

package instrumentation

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ASCIITable extends AnyRef

    Renders a table using ASCII characters.

    Renders a table using ASCII characters. The table is represented by a header row, consisting of ASCIITableHeader objects which define the column label and the column alignment, and multiple rows, each of which contains an array of values to go in each row.

    There must be an equal number of items in each row and in the header.

  2. case class ASCIITableHeader(name: String, alignment: Alignment = Alignment.Right) extends Product with Serializable

  3. class Clock extends Serializable

  4. abstract class ConfigurableMonitor extends Taggable with Serializable

  5. abstract class Metrics extends Serializable

    Allows metrics to be created for an application.

    Allows metrics to be created for an application. Currently only timers are supported, but other types of metrics may be supported in the future.

    Classes should extend this class to provide collections of metrics for an application. For example, typical usage might be:

    object Timers extends Metrics {
      val Operation1 = timer("Operation 1")
      val Operation2 = timer("Operation 2")

    This creates two timers: one for Operation 1, and one for Operation 2.

    To switch-on recording of metrics for a specific thread, the companion Metrics object must be used.

  6. class MetricsListener extends SparkListener

    Spark listener that accumulates metrics in the passed-in RecordedMetrics object at stage completion time.

    Spark listener that accumulates metrics in the passed-in RecordedMetrics object at stage completion time.


    This class relies on being run in the same process as the driver. However, this is the way that Spark seems to work.

  7. class MetricsRecorder extends Serializable

    Allows metrics to be recorded.

    Allows metrics to be recorded. Currently only timings are supported, but other metrics may be supported in the future. Use the startPhase method to start recording a timing and the finishPhase method to finish recording it. If timings are nested the hierarchy is preserved.

    Note: this class is intended to be used in a thread-local context, and therefore it is not thread-safe. Do not attempt to call it concurrently from multiple threads!

  8. class MonitorTable extends AnyRef

    Tabular representation of a set of Monitors.

    Tabular representation of a set of Monitors. A MonitorTable consists of a list of TableHeaders, which specify not only the titles of the columns, but also how the data is extracted from the rows, as well as a list of rows which are Monitors containing the data. Each header can specify the following:

    - name: the name of the column; this will be the text that is used in the header row - valueExtractor: specifies how data will be extracted from a monitor; the functions in the ValueExtractor object can be used to create ValueExtractors for a particular purpose - formatFunction (optional): a function which formats the value extracted from the monitor as a String - alignment (optional): specifies how the data in a cell is aligned; defaults to right-alignment

  9. class RecordedMetrics extends AnyRef

    Currently this consists only of metrics collected from Spark, but there may be others in the future.

  10. case class RecordedTiming(timingNanos: Long, pathToRoot: TimingPath) extends Serializable with Product

    Specifies a timing that is to recorded

  11. class ServoTimer extends ConfigurableMonitor with CompositeMonitor[AnyRef]

    Timer that implements the interface.

    Timer that implements the interface. Sub-monitors contain specific metrics, and can be identified using the following tags: - Total Time: ServoTimer.TotalTimeTag - Count: ServoTimer.CountTag - Mean: ServoTimer.MeanTag - Max: ServoTimer.MaxTag - Min: ServoTimer.MinTag All timings are returned in nanoseconds.

  12. class ServoTimers extends Serializable

    Holds a collection of ServoTimers.

    Holds a collection of ServoTimers. Each instance of a timer is stored against a TimingPath, which specifies all of its ancestors. Timings can be recorded using the recordTiming method, which will either update an existing timer if the specified TimingPath exists already, or will create a new timer.

  13. class ServoTimersAccumulableParam extends AccumulableParam[ServoTimers, RecordedTiming]

    Implementation of AccumulableParam that records timings and returns a ServoTimers with the accumulated timings.

  14. abstract class SparkMetrics extends AnyRef

    Allows metrics for Spark to be captured and rendered in tabular form.

  15. case class SparkTaskContext(hostname: String, stageId: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  16. case class StageTiming(stageId: Int, stageName: Option[String], duration: Duration) extends Product with Serializable

  17. case class TableHeader(name: String, valueExtractor: ValueExtractor, formatFunction: Option[(Any) ⇒ String] = None, alignment: Alignment = Alignment.Right) extends Product with Serializable

    Specifies the title of a column, as well as how data is extracted to form the cells of this column

  18. trait Taggable extends AnyRef

  19. class TaskTimer extends AnyRef

  20. class TimingPath extends Serializable

    Specifies a timer name, along with all of its ancestors.

  21. class TimingPathKey extends AnyRef

  22. trait ValueExtractor extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Alignment extends Enumeration

    Represents alignment of a cell in a table

  2. object DurationFormatting

    Functions for formatting durations.

    Functions for formatting durations. The following rules are applied: - Durations greater than one hour are formatted as "X hours X mins X secs" - Durations greater than one minute, but less than one hour are formatted as "X mins X secs" - Durations less than one minute are formatted with two digits after the decimal point. Zeros are suppressed.

  3. object InstrumentationFunctions

    Helper functions for instrumentation

  4. object Metrics extends Serializable

    Manages recording of metrics in an application.

    Manages recording of metrics in an application. Metrics collection is turned on for a particular thread by calling the initialize method. After initialize is called the Metrics.Recorder field is set, and the application can use that to record metrics. To print metrics, call the print method, and to stop recording metrics for a particular thread, call the stopRecording method.

    If an application does not want to record metrics, it can simply avoid calling the initialize method (or can call the stopRecording method if there is a chance that initialize has been called on that thread previously). Attempting to record metrics when the initialize method has not been called will not produce an error, and incurs very little overhead. However, attempting to call the print method to print the metrics will produce an error.

  5. object ServoTimer extends Serializable

  6. object SparkMetrics

  7. object ValueExtractor
