

package bean

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Disposable extends AnyRef

    Disposable interface.

  2. trait Factory[T] extends AnyRef

  3. trait Initializing extends AnyRef

    Initializing interface.

  4. class PropertyNameResolver extends AnyRef

    Default Property Name Resolver .

    Default Property Name Resolver .

    This class assists in resolving property names in the following four formats, with the layout of an identifying String in parentheses:

    • Simple (name) - The specified name identifies an individual property of a particular JavaBean. The name of the actual getter or setter method to be used is determined using standard JavaBeans instrospection, a property named "xyz" will have a getter method named getXyz() or (for boolean properties only) isXyz(), and a setter method named setXyz().
    • Indexed (name[index]) - The underlying property value is assumed to be an array. The appropriate (zero-relative) entry in the array is selected. List objects are now also supported for read/write.
    • Mapped (name(key)) - The JavaBean is assumed to have an property getter and setter methods with an additional attribute of type java.lang.String.
    • Nested (name1.name2[index].name3(key)) - Combining mapped, nested, and indexed references is also supported.


  5. class component extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation

Value Members

  1. object Properties

  2. object PropertyNameResolver

  3. package orderings

  4. package predicates
