

package util

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Counter extends AnyRef

    Thread-safe counters.

  2. abstract class Emitter extends AnyRef

    Class of objects that can emit text.

  3. abstract class Entity extends AnyRef

    An entity that represents some program object.

  4. trait Environments extends AnyRef

    General implementation of environments as stacked scopes.

  5. abstract class ErrorEntity extends Entity

    An entity that represents an error situation.

  6. class FileEmitter extends StringEmitter

    A string emitter that also provides a close method to send the result to the named UTF-8 encoded file.

  7. case class FileSource(filename: String, encoding: String = "UTF-8") extends Source with Product with Serializable

    A source that is a named file.

  8. class Memoiser[T, U] extends AnyRef

    A memoiser that can store arbitrary values of type U under keys of type T.

  9. abstract class MemoiserType extends AnyRef

    The types of memoiser that can be created.

  10. case class Message(value: AnyRef, label: String) extends Product with Serializable

    A message record consisting of a value with which the message is associated and a label string.

  11. trait Messaging extends AnyRef

    General facility for processing messages relative to positioned values.

  12. case class MultipleEntity() extends ErrorEntity with Product with Serializable

    A entity represented by names for whom we have seen more than one declaration so we are unsure what is being represented.

  13. class OutputEmitter extends Emitter

    Class of objects that can emit arbitrary output.

  14. case class Position(line: Int, column: Int, source: Source) extends Product with Serializable

    Record of a source position at a particular line and column relative to a given source.

  15. trait PositionStore extends AnyRef

    Interface for objects that have a position store.

  16. class Positions extends AnyRef

    Record of source positions that correspond to program elements.

  17. trait Profiler extends dsprofile.Profiler

    Kiama-specific additions to dsprofile profilers.

  18. trait Source extends AnyRef

    A source of input to which a position might refer.

  19. class StringEmitter extends Emitter

    An emitter that records the output in a string that can be accessed via the result method.

  20. case class StringSource(content: String) extends Source with Product with Serializable

    A source that is a string.

  21. case class UnknownEntity() extends ErrorEntity with Product with Serializable

    An unknown entity, for example one that is represened by names whose declarations are missing.

  22. class WeakIdentityHashSet[T] extends AnyRef

    A simple set that compares elements by identity.

  23. class Compat210 extends AnyRef

    Compatibility interface so variances between Scala 2.

Value Members

  1. object Comparison

    Utility module for comparison routines.

  2. object Compat210 extends Compat210

    Object by which to access the compatibility interface.

  3. object IO

    Utility wrapper for I/O to isolate Kiama code from some Java I/O details.

  4. object IdentityKeys extends MemoiserType with Product with Serializable

    Identity-based key comparison.

  5. object Memoiser

    Support for memoisers.

  6. object Messaging

    Shared definitions for all messaging.

  7. object Source

    Support code for various sources.

  8. object Trampolines


  9. object ValueKeys extends MemoiserType with Product with Serializable

    Value-based key comparison.
