Class StandaloneContextMapper

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void applyRefactoring​(CMLResource cml, SemanticCMLRefactoring refactoring)
      Applies a refactoring (must be of type SemanticCMLRefactoring) on a CML model.
      void callGenerator​(CMLResource cml, org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGenerator2 generator)
      Calls a generator that produces output (Graphical Context Map, PlantUML, etc.) given a CML resource as input.
      void callGenerator​(CMLResource cml, org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGenerator2 generator, java.lang.String outputDir)
      Calls a generator that produces output (Graphical Context Map, PlantUML, etc.) given a CML resource as input.
      CMLResource createCML​( cmlFile)
      Creates a new CML model.
      CMLResource createCML​(java.lang.String filepath)
      Creates a new CML model.
      CMLResource loadCML​( cmlFile)
      Loads a CML model, given a *.cml file.
      CMLResource loadCML​(java.lang.String filepath)
      Loads a CML model, given a *.cml file.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • StandaloneContextMapper

        public StandaloneContextMapper()
    • Method Detail

      • loadCML

        public CMLResource loadCML​(java.lang.String filepath)
        Description copied from interface: StandaloneContextMapperAPI
        Loads a CML model, given a *.cml file.
        Specified by:
        loadCML in interface StandaloneContextMapperAPI
        filepath - the path to the *.cml file that shall be loaded
        the CMLResource loaded from the *.cml file
      • callGenerator

        public void callGenerator​(CMLResource cml,
                                  org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGenerator2 generator)
        Description copied from interface: StandaloneContextMapperAPI
        Calls a generator that produces output (Graphical Context Map, PlantUML, etc.) given a CML resource as input. This method generates all output files into the default directory "./src-gen".
        Specified by:
        callGenerator in interface StandaloneContextMapperAPI
        cml - the CML resource for which the generator shall be called
        generator - the generator that shall be called
      • callGenerator

        public void callGenerator​(CMLResource cml,
                                  org.eclipse.xtext.generator.IGenerator2 generator,
                                  java.lang.String outputDir)
        Description copied from interface: StandaloneContextMapperAPI
        Calls a generator that produces output (Graphical Context Map, PlantUML, etc.) given a CML resource as input. This method allows to define the directory into which the output shall be generated (start with "./" and provide a directory relative to your execution home).
        Specified by:
        callGenerator in interface StandaloneContextMapperAPI
        cml - the CML resource for which the generator shall be called
        generator - the generator that shall be called
        outputDir - the directory in which you want to generate the output (start with "./", relative to your execution directory)
      • createCML

        public CMLResource createCML​(java.lang.String filepath)
        Description copied from interface: StandaloneContextMapperAPI
        Creates a new CML model.
        Specified by:
        createCML in interface StandaloneContextMapperAPI
        filepath - the filepath where the *.cml file will be stored, in case the resource is saved/persisted
        the new CMLResource (not yet persisted; you have to call save() on the resource)
      • createCML

        public CMLResource createCML​( cmlFile)
        Description copied from interface: StandaloneContextMapperAPI
        Creates a new CML model.
        Specified by:
        createCML in interface StandaloneContextMapperAPI
        cmlFile - the file where the *.cml file will be stored, in case the resource is saved/persisted
        the new CMLResource (not yet persisted; you have to call save() on the resource)