Class AbstractRefactoring

    • Field Detail

      • importedResources

        protected java.util.Set<CMLResource> importedResources
      • consistencyCheckResources

        protected org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet consistencyCheckResources
      • additionalResourcesToCheck

        protected java.util.Set<CMLResource> additionalResourcesToCheck
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRefactoring

        public AbstractRefactoring()
    • Method Detail

      • refactor

        public void refactor​(CMLResource resource)
        Description copied from interface: SemanticCMLRefactoring
        Applies the refactoring to the CML model in the given resource.
        Specified by:
        refactor in interface SemanticCMLRefactoring
        resource - the resource with the CML model that shall be refactored
      • refactor

        public void refactor​(CMLResource resource,
                             org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet consistencyCheckResources)
        Description copied from interface: SemanticCMLRefactoring
        Applies the refactoring to the CML model in the given resource. Additionally ensures consistency in Context Maps in all resources of the additional ResourceSet.
        Specified by:
        refactor in interface SemanticCMLRefactoring
        resource - the resource with the CML model that shall be refactored.
        consistencyCheckResources - the resources that contain Context Maps which potentially have to be corrected after refactoring. For example: if you have other models in your workspace that have referenes to the refactored one. If you provide them here as s ResourceSet, the refactoring can correct the references.
      • persistChanges

        public void persistChanges​(org.eclipse.xtext.serializer.ISerializer serializer)
        Description copied from interface: SemanticCMLRefactoring
        Can be called after the 'refactor' method, in case one wants to save/persist the changes to the CML files.
        Specified by:
        persistChanges in interface SemanticCMLRefactoring
        serializer - the serializer that will be used to check whether the model can be persisted.
      • doRefactor

        protected abstract void doRefactor()
      • getAllBoundedContexts

        protected java.util.Set<BoundedContext> getAllBoundedContexts()
      • getAllContextMaps

        protected java.util.Set<ContextMap> getAllContextMaps()
      • getAllDomains

        protected java.util.Set<Domain> getAllDomains()
      • getAllUserRequirements

        protected java.util.Set<UserRequirement> getAllUserRequirements()
      • addElementsToEList

        protected <T> void addElementsToEList​(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList<T> list,
                                              java.util.List<T> elementsToAdd)
      • addElementToEList

        protected <T> void addElementToEList​(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList<T> list,
                                             T elementToAdd)
      • removeElementFromEList

        protected <T> void removeElementFromEList​(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList<T> list,
                                                  T object)