

package generator

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class CompilationUnit(name: String, namespace: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Identifies a particular scala file.

  2. class CourierMapTemplateSpec extends ClassTemplateSpec

  3. class CourierTemplateSpecGenerator extends AnyRef

  4. case class GeneratedCode(code: String, compilationUnit: CompilationUnit) extends Product with Serializable

    Code that has been generated.

  5. trait TemplateGenerator extends AnyRef

    A simple pegasus code generator.

Value Members

  1. object CourierPredef

    Courier generates data bindings for a select set of schemas and provides those bindings in the runtime artifact.

    Courier generates data bindings for a select set of schemas and provides those bindings in the runtime artifact.

    Any schemas deemed sufficiently general purpose should be included here so that they are only be generated once.

  2. object ScalaDataTemplateGenerator

    Generates Scala data bindings classes from .pdsc schemas.

    Generates Scala data bindings classes from .pdsc schemas.

    Both the class and companion object hook into the extension points of

  3. object ScalaEscaping

  4. object ScaladocEscaping

  5. object TypeConversions

    Provides conversions between the various type systems involved in pegasus data binding generation.

  6. package specs

  7. package twirl
