

package naptime

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait DangerousAccessToUnderlyingRequest extends AnyRef

  2. trait Errors extends AnyRef

    Error responses.

    Error responses. Note: these error responses work by throwing special exceptions that are caught by the framework. They are not designed to work outside the framework.

  3. case class FacetField(facetEntries: Seq[FacetFieldValue], fieldCardinality: Option[Long]) extends Product with Serializable

    Contains all of the information relating to a facet in a sophisticated search.

    Contains all of the information relating to a facet in a sophisticated search.


    An ordered (potentially partial) list of facet entries.


    Not all potential values for this facet may be included. The fieldCardinality is the count of all possible different values for this facet.

  4. case class FacetFieldValue(id: String, name: Option[String], count: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    Information about one particular choice of value for one particular facet.

    Information about one particular choice of value for one particular facet.


    The id or code for this facet value.


    The display name for this facet value.


    The number of results for this facet.

  5. sealed case class Fields[T](defaultFields: Set[String], fieldsPermissionsFunction: FieldsFunction, relations: Map[String, ResourceName])(implicit format: OFormat[T]) extends Product with Serializable

    Contains all the required information related to a resource's fields.

    Contains all the required information related to a resource's fields.


    The type of the resource in the collection.


    The default fields that should be included in a response.


    A function that, given a request header, determines if particular fields are to be included in the response. This function can be used to hide particular fields depending on arbitrary information about the request. (e.g. Sensitive fields can be made unavailable in certain contexts. (e.g. CORS, 3rd party requests to APIs, JSONP, etc.) IMPORTANT NOTE: this functionality is not fully implemented yet! WORK IN PROGRESS. DO NOT USE YET!


    A map of field name to related resource's name and version pair. This configuration is used to automatically join related resources as requested. For example, if we have an "author" id field that references the "userBasicProfile" v1 resource, and a "post" id field that references a "discoursePost" v1 the map would look like: Map("author" -> ("userBasicProfile", 1), "post" -> ("discoursePost", 1)).


    The JSON serialization formatter for the resource.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  6. trait FieldsBuilder[T] extends AnyRef

    Mix this trait in to make it easy to generate an appropriate Fields object.

    Mix this trait in to make it easy to generate an appropriate Fields object.


    The type of the field.

  7. sealed trait FieldsFunction extends (RequestHeader, QueryFields) ⇒ QueryFields

  8. case class NaptimeActionException(httpCode: Int, errorCode: Option[String], message: Option[String], details: Option[JsValue] = None) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable

    Throw to break out of a Naptime action body on error.

  9. trait NaptimeModule extends BinderExposer with ScalaModule

  10. final case class Ok[+T](content: T, related: Map[ResourceName, Related[_, _]] = Map.empty, pagination: Option[ResponsePagination] = None, eTag: Option[String] = None) extends RestResponse[T] with Product with Serializable

  11. case class PaginationConfiguration(defaultLimit: Int = 100) extends Product with Serializable

    Configure the defaults for pagination.

  12. final case class Redirect(url: String, isTemporary: Boolean) extends RestResponse[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

  13. sealed trait RequestEvidence extends NotNull

    Marker trait to try and hide access to the underlying Play request.

    Marker trait to try and hide access to the underlying Play request.

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  14. trait RequestFields extends AnyRef

    Passed to Resources so if there are certain fields that require more work to fetch, they can skip that work if the request does not include it.

    Passed to Resources so if there are certain fields that require more work to fetch, they can skip that work if the request does not include it.

    Note: the API is intentionally severely constrained to allow for future flexibility and internal changes to the Naptime framework.

  15. trait RequestIncludes extends AnyRef

    Passed to Resources so if there are certain related objects that require more work to fetch, they can skip that work if the request does not ask for those related resources.

    Passed to Resources so if there are certain related objects that require more work to fetch, they can skip that work if the request does not ask for those related resources.

    Note: the API is intentionally severely constrained to allow for future flexibility and internal changes to the Naptime framework.

  16. case class RequestPagination(limit: Int, start: Option[String], isDefault: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    Calculates the request pagination.

    Calculates the request pagination.

    TODO: URL-safe base64 encoding

  17. case class ResourceName(topLevelName: String, version: Int, resourcePath: Seq[String] = List.empty) extends Product with Serializable

    The structured name + version + path of a resource.

    The structured name + version + path of a resource.


    The first top level name.


    The version of the top level resource.


    The names of path selectors.

  18. case class ResponsePagination(next: Option[String], total: Option[Long] = None, facets: Option[Map[String, FacetField]] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    If there are subsequent pages, include a next 'pointer'.

    If there are subsequent pages, include a next 'pointer'. This is opaque to clients.

    TODO: consider base64 encoding over the wire for safety.


    If present, a map of field name to facet information.

  19. class RestContext[+AuthType, +BodyType] extends AnyRef

    All the contextual information about a naptime request.

  20. final case class RestError(error: NaptimeActionException) extends RestResponse[Nothing] with Product with Serializable

  21. sealed abstract class RestResponse[+T] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Errors extends Errors

  2. object FacetField extends Serializable

  3. object FacetFieldValue extends Serializable

  4. object Fields extends Serializable

  5. object FieldsFunction

  6. object NaptimeActionException extends Serializable

  7. object NaptimeModule extends AbstractModule with ScalaModule

    Install this singleton module into your service to configure Naptime defaults to ensure a successful boot.

    Install this singleton module into your service to configure Naptime defaults to ensure a successful boot.


    Note: as of writing this comment, there is no need to install this module in your service for correct operation.

  8. object Ok extends Serializable

  9. object RequestFields

  10. object RequestPagination extends Serializable

  11. object ResourceName extends Serializable

  12. object ResponsePagination extends Serializable

  13. object Types extends StrictLogging

  14. package access

  15. package actions

  16. package exceptions

  17. package path

  18. package resources

  19. package router2

  20. package schema
