

implicit final class SaferHTMLTableElement extends AnyVal

See also

Linear Supertypes
AnyVal, NotNull, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. SaferHTMLTableElement
  2. AnyVal
  3. NotNull
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new SaferHTMLTableElement(value: HTMLTableElement)

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  5. def caption: Option[HTMLTableCaptionElement]

    Is an HTMLTableCaptionElement representing the first <caption> that is a child of the element, or null if none is found.

    Is an HTMLTableCaptionElement representing the first <caption> that is a child of the element, or null if none is found. When set, if the object doesn't represent a <caption>, a DOMException with the HierarchyRequestError name is thrown. If a correct object is given, it is inserted in the tree as the first child of this element and the first <caption> that is a child of this element is removed from the tree, if any.


  6. def caption_=(v: HTMLTableCaptionElement): Unit

  7. def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyVal]

    Definition Classes
    AnyVal → Any
  8. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  9. def tFoot: Option[HTMLTableSectionElement]

    Is an HTMLTableSectionElement representing the first <tfoot> that is a child of the element, or null if none is found.

    Is an HTMLTableSectionElement representing the first <tfoot> that is a child of the element, or null if none is found. When set, if the object doesn't represent a <tfoot>, a DOMException with the HierarchyRequestError name is thrown. If a correct object is given, it is inserted in the tree immediately before the first element that is neither a <caption>, a <colgroup>, nor a <thead>, or as the last child if there is no such element, and the first <tfoot> that is a child of this element is removed from the tree, if any.


  10. def tFoot_=(v: HTMLTableSectionElement): Unit

  11. def tHead: Option[HTMLTableSectionElement]

    Is an HTMLTableSectionElement representing the first <thead> that is a child of the element, or null if none is found.

    Is an HTMLTableSectionElement representing the first <thead> that is a child of the element, or null if none is found. When set, if the object doesn't represent a <thead>, a DOMException with the HierarchyRequestError name is thrown. If a correct object is given, it is inserted in the tree immediately before the first element that is neither a <caption>, nor a <colgroup>, or as the last child if there is no such element, and the first <thead> that is a child of this element is removed from the tree, if any.


  12. def tHead_=(v: HTMLTableSectionElement): Unit

  13. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
  14. val value: HTMLTableElement

Inherited from AnyVal

Inherited from NotNull

Inherited from Any
