Class TextToTermIndexSequenceTransform

    • Constructor Detail

      • TextToTermIndexSequenceTransform

        public TextToTermIndexSequenceTransform​(String columnName,
                                                String newColumnName,
                                                List<String> vocabulary,
                                                String delimiter,
                                                boolean exceptionOnUnknown)
        columnName - Name of the text column
        newColumnName - Name of the column after expansion
        vocabulary - Vocabulary
        delimiter - Delimiter
        exceptionOnUnknown - If true: throw an exception on unknown characters. False: skip unknown characters.
      • TextToTermIndexSequenceTransform

        public TextToTermIndexSequenceTransform​(String columnName,
                                                String newColumnName,
                                                Map<String,​Integer> wordIndexMap,
                                                String delimiter,
                                                boolean exceptionOnUnknown)
        columnName - Name of the text column
        newColumnName - Name of the column after expansion
        wordIndexMap - Map from terms in vocabulary to indeces
        delimiter - Delimiter
        exceptionOnUnknown - If true: throw an exception on unknown characters. False: skip unknown characters.