Class WindowConverter

  • public class WindowConverter
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • asExampleArray

        public static org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray asExampleArray​(Window window,
                                                                          Word2Vec vec,
                                                                          boolean normalize)
        Converts a window (each word in the window) in to a vector. Keep in mind each window is a multi word context. From there, each word uses the passed in model as a lookup table to get what vectors are relevant to the passed in windows
        window - the window to take in.
        vec - the model to use as a lookup table
        a concacneated 1 row array containing all of the numbers for each word in the window
      • asExampleMatrix

        public static org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray asExampleMatrix​(Window window,
                                                                           Word2Vec vec)
        Converts a window (each word in the window) in to a vector. Keep in mind each window is a multi word context. From there, each word uses the passed in model as a lookup table to get what vectors are relevant to the passed in windows
        window - the window to take in.
        vec - the model to use as a lookup table
        a concatneated 1 row array containing all of the numbers for each word in the window