Class JoinMessage

    • Field Detail

      • defaultUserAgentGenerator

        public static final Supplier<String> defaultUserAgentGenerator
      • userAgentGenerator

        public static Supplier<String> userAgentGenerator
    • Constructor Detail

      • JoinMessage

        public JoinMessage​(ProofOfWork proofOfWork,
                           CompressedPublicKey publicKey,
                           Set<CompressedPublicKey> childrenAndGrandchildren)
        Creates a new join message.
        proofOfWork - the proof of work
        publicKey - the identity of the joining node
        childrenAndGrandchildren - the (grand-)children of this node
      • JoinMessage

        public JoinMessage​(ProofOfWork proofOfWork,
                           CompressedPublicKey publicKey,
                           boolean childrenJoin,
                           Set<CompressedPublicKey> childrenAndGrandchildren)
        Creates a new join message.
        proofOfWork - the proof of work
        publicKey - the identity of the joining node
        childrenJoin - join peer as children
        childrenAndGrandchildren - the (grand-)children of this node