Package org.drasyl.util
Utility classes used across multiple packages.
Interface Summary Interface Description ThrowingBiConsumer<T,U,E extends Exception> BiConsumer
that can throw checkedException
s.ThrowingBiFunction<T,U,R,E extends Exception> BiFunction
that can throw checkedException
s.ThrowingConsumer<T,E extends Exception> ThrowingFunction<T,R,E extends Exception> ThrowingSupplier<T,E extends Exception> -
Class Summary Class Description ArrayUtil Utility class for operations on arrays.ByteBufUtil Utility class for operations onByteBuf
s.DurationUtil Utility class for operations onDuration
s.FutureUtil Utility class for future-related operations.InetSocketAddressUtil Utility class for operations onURL
s.InternPool<T> Represents a pool of unique objects of typeT
.JSONUtil Holder for the JSON serializer and JSON deserializer.LoggingUtil Utility class for logging-related operations.NettyUtil Utility class for netty-related operationsNetworkUtil Utility class for network-related operations.NumberUtil Utility class for number-related operations.ObservableUtil Utility class for operations onObservable
s.Pair<A,B> A tuple of two elements.PathUtil Utility class for operations onPath
es.RandomUtil Utility class for receiving pseudorandom values.ReferenceCountUtil SecretUtil Utility class for security-related operations.SetUtil Utility class for operations onSet
s.Triple<A,B,C> A tuple of three elements.TypeParameterMatcher Adapted from nettyTypeParameterMatcher
TypeReference<T> This class is used for obtaining full generics type information by sub-classing.UnsignedInteger This class represents an unsigned integer in a rang of [0, 2^32 - 1]UnsignedShort This class represents an unsigned short in a rang of [0, 2^16 - 1]UriUtil Utility class for operations onURI
s.UrlUtil Utility class for operations onURL
s.WebSocketUtil Utility class for operations on websocketURI
s (e.g.Worm<T> This class wraps an object of typeT
and serves as a write once read many (worm) memory. -
Enum Summary Enum Description AnsiColor