Class AbstractHttpServerTransport

    • Method Detail

      • bindServer

        protected void bindServer()
      • bind

        protected abstract HttpServerChannel bind​( hostAddress)
                                           throws java.lang.Exception
      • stopInternal

        protected abstract void stopInternal()
        Called to tear down internal resources
      • onException

        protected void onException​(HttpChannel channel,
                                   java.lang.Exception e)
      • onServerException

        protected void onServerException​(HttpServerChannel channel,
                                         java.lang.Exception e)
      • onNonChannelException

        protected void onNonChannelException​(java.lang.Exception exception)
        Exception handler for exceptions that are not associated with a specific channel.
        exception - the exception
      • serverAcceptedChannel

        protected void serverAcceptedChannel​(HttpChannel httpChannel)
      • incomingRequest

        public void incomingRequest​(HttpRequest httpRequest,
                                    HttpChannel httpChannel)
        This method handles an incoming http request.
        httpRequest - that is incoming
        httpChannel - that received the http request
      • incomingRequestError

        public void incomingRequestError​(HttpRequest httpRequest,
                                         HttpChannel httpChannel,
                                         java.lang.Exception exception)
        This method handles an incoming http request that has encountered an error.
        httpRequest - that is incoming
        httpChannel - that received the http request
        exception - that was encountered