Class ShardStateAction


public class ShardStateAction extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • remoteShardFailed

      public void remoteShardFailed(ShardId shardId, String allocationId, long primaryTerm, boolean markAsStale, String message, @Nullable Exception failure, ActionListener<Void> listener)
      Send a shard failed request to the master node to update the cluster state with the failure of a shard on another node. This means that the shard should be failed because a write made it into the primary but was not replicated to this shard copy. If the shard does not exist anymore but still has an entry in the in-sync set, remove its allocation id from the in-sync set.
      shardId - shard id of the shard to fail
      allocationId - allocation id of the shard to fail
      primaryTerm - the primary term associated with the primary shard that is failing the shard. Must be strictly positive.
      markAsStale - whether or not to mark a failing shard as stale (eg. removing from in-sync set) when failing the shard.
      message - the reason for the failure
      failure - the underlying cause of the failure
      listener - callback upon completion of the request
    • localShardFailed

      public void localShardFailed(ShardRouting shardRouting, String message, @Nullable Exception failure, ActionListener<Void> listener)
      Send a shard failed request to the master node to update the cluster state when a shard on the local node failed.
    • localShardFailed

      public void localShardFailed(ShardRouting shardRouting, String message, @Nullable Exception failure, ActionListener<Void> listener, ClusterState currentState)
      Send a shard failed request to the master node to update the cluster state when a shard on the local node failed.
    • waitForNewMasterAndRetry

      protected void waitForNewMasterAndRetry(String actionName, ClusterStateObserver observer, TransportRequest request, ActionListener<Void> listener, Predicate<ClusterState> changePredicate)
    • shardStarted

      public void shardStarted(ShardRouting shardRouting, long primaryTerm, String message, ShardLongFieldRange timestampRange, ActionListener<Void> listener)
    • shardStarted

      public void shardStarted(ShardRouting shardRouting, long primaryTerm, String message, ShardLongFieldRange timestampRange, ActionListener<Void> listener, ClusterState currentState)