Class SimulateBulkRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.apache.lucene.util.Accountable, CompositeIndicesRequest, WriteRequest<BulkRequest>, Writeable, RefCounted, TaskAwareRequest, RawIndexingDataTransportRequest

public class SimulateBulkRequest extends BulkRequest
This extends BulkRequest with support for providing substitute pipeline definitions. In a user request, the pipeline substitutions will look something like this: "pipeline_substitutions": { "my-pipeline-1": { "processors": [ { "set": { "field": "my-new-boolean-field", "value": true } } ] }, "my-pipeline-2": { "processors": [ { "set": { "field": "my-new-boolean-field", "value": true }, "rename": { "field": "old_field", "target_field": "new field" } } ] } } The pipelineSubstitutions Map held by this class is intended to be the result of XContentHelper.convertToMap(). The top-level keys are the pipelineIds ("my-pipeline-1" and "my-pipeline-2" in the example above). The values are the Maps of "processors" to the List of processor definitions.