Class SearchResponse.Cluster

All Implemented Interfaces:
Writeable, ToXContent, ToXContentFragment
Enclosing class:

public static class SearchResponse.Cluster extends Object implements ToXContentFragment, Writeable
Represents the search metadata about a particular cluster involved in a cross-cluster search. The Cluster object can represent either the local cluster or a remote cluster. For the local cluster, clusterAlias should be specified as RemoteClusterAware.LOCAL_CLUSTER_GROUP_KEY. Its XContent is put into the "details" section the "_clusters" entry in the SearchResponse. This is an immutable class, so updates made during the search progress (especially important for async CCS searches) must be done by replacing the Cluster object with a new one. See the Clusters clusterInfo Map for details.
  • Field Details


      public static final ParseField INDICES_FIELD

      public static final ParseField STATUS_FIELD

      public static final boolean SKIP_UNAVAILABLE_DEFAULT
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Cluster

      public Cluster(String clusterAlias, String indexExpression, boolean skipUnavailable)
      Create a Cluster object representing the initial RUNNING state of a Cluster.
      clusterAlias - clusterAlias as defined in the remote cluster settings or RemoteClusterAware.LOCAL_CLUSTER_GROUP_KEY for the local cluster
      indexExpression - the original (not resolved/concrete) indices expression provided for this cluster.
      skipUnavailable - whether this Cluster is marked as skip_unavailable in remote cluster settings
    • Cluster

      public Cluster(String clusterAlias, String indexExpression, boolean skipUnavailable, SearchResponse.Cluster.Status status, List<ShardSearchFailure> failures)
      Create a Cluster with a new Status and one or more ShardSearchFailures. This constructor should only be used for fatal failures where shard counters (total, successful, skipped, failed) are not known (unset).
      clusterAlias - clusterAlias as defined in the remote cluster settings or RemoteClusterAware.LOCAL_CLUSTER_GROUP_KEY for the local cluster
      indexExpression - the original (not resolved/concrete) indices expression provided for this cluster.
      skipUnavailable - whether cluster is marked as skip_unavailable in remote cluster settings
      status - current status of the search on this Cluster
      failures - list of failures that occurred during the search on this Cluster
    • Cluster

      public Cluster(String clusterAlias, String indexExpression, boolean skipUnavailable, SearchResponse.Cluster.Status status, Integer totalShards, Integer successfulShards, Integer skippedShards, Integer failedShards, List<ShardSearchFailure> failures, TimeValue took, boolean timedOut)
    • Cluster

      public Cluster(StreamInput in) throws IOException
  • Method Details