Class ClusterService

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable, LifecycleComponent, Releasable

public class ClusterService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • threadPool

      public ThreadPool threadPool()
    • setNodeConnectionsService

      public void setNodeConnectionsService(NodeConnectionsService nodeConnectionsService)
    • doStart

      protected void doStart()
      Description copied from class: AbstractLifecycleComponent
      Start this component. Typically that means doing things like launching background processes and registering listeners on other components. Other components have been initialized by this point, but may not yet be started.

      If this method throws an exception then the startup process will fail, but this component will not be stopped before it is closed.

      This method is called while synchronized on AbstractLifecycleComponent.lifecycle. It is only called once in the lifetime of a component, although it may not be called at all if the startup process encountered some kind of fatal error, such as the failure of some other component to initialize or start.

      Specified by:
      doStart in class AbstractLifecycleComponent
    • doStop

      protected void doStop()
      Description copied from class: AbstractLifecycleComponent
      Stop this component. Typically that means doing the reverse of whatever AbstractLifecycleComponent.doStart() does.

      This method is called while synchronized on AbstractLifecycleComponent.lifecycle. It is only called once in the lifetime of a component, after calling AbstractLifecycleComponent.doStart(), although it will not be called at all if this component did not successfully start.

      Specified by:
      doStop in class AbstractLifecycleComponent
    • doClose

      protected void doClose()
      Description copied from class: AbstractLifecycleComponent
      Close this component. Typically that means doing the reverse of whatever happened during initialization, such as releasing resources acquired there.

      This method is called while synchronized on AbstractLifecycleComponent.lifecycle. It is called once in the lifetime of a component. If the component was started then it will be stopped before it is closed, and once it is closed it will not be started or stopped.

      Specified by:
      doClose in class AbstractLifecycleComponent
    • localNode

      public DiscoveryNode localNode()
      The local node.
    • operationRouting

      public OperationRouting operationRouting()
    • state

      public ClusterState state()
      The currently applied cluster state. TODO: Should be renamed to appliedState / appliedClusterState
    • addHighPriorityApplier

      public void addHighPriorityApplier(ClusterStateApplier applier)
      Adds a high priority applier of updated cluster states.
    • addLowPriorityApplier

      public void addLowPriorityApplier(ClusterStateApplier applier)
      Adds an applier which will be called after all high priority and normal appliers have been called.
    • addStateApplier

      public void addStateApplier(ClusterStateApplier applier)
      Adds a applier of updated cluster states.
    • removeApplier

      public void removeApplier(ClusterStateApplier applier)
      Removes an applier of updated cluster states.
    • addListener

      public void addListener(ClusterStateListener listener)
      Add a listener for updated cluster states
    • removeListener

      public void removeListener(ClusterStateListener listener)
      Removes a listener for updated cluster states.
    • addLocalNodeMasterListener

      public void addLocalNodeMasterListener(LocalNodeMasterListener listener)
      Add a listener for on/off local node master events
    • getMasterService

      public MasterService getMasterService()
    • getClusterApplierService

      public ClusterApplierService getClusterApplierService()
    • assertClusterOrMasterStateThread

      public static boolean assertClusterOrMasterStateThread()
    • getClusterName

      public ClusterName getClusterName()
    • getClusterSettings

      public ClusterSettings getClusterSettings()
    • getSettings

      public Settings getSettings()
      The node's settings.
    • getNodeName

      public final String getNodeName()
      The name of this node.
    • submitUnbatchedStateUpdateTask

      @Deprecated public void submitUnbatchedStateUpdateTask(String source, ClusterStateUpdateTask updateTask)
      Submits an unbatched cluster state update task. This method exists for legacy reasons but is deprecated and forbidden in new production code because unbatched tasks are a source of performance and stability bugs. You should instead implement your update logic in a dedicated ClusterStateTaskExecutor which is reused across multiple task instances. The task itself is typically just a collection of parameters consumed by the executor, together with any listeners to be notified when execution completes.
      source - the source of the cluster state update task
      updateTask - the full context for the cluster state update
    • createTaskQueue

      public <T extends ClusterStateTaskListener> MasterServiceTaskQueue<T> createTaskQueue(String name, Priority priority, ClusterStateTaskExecutor<T> executor)
      Create a new task queue which can be used to submit tasks for execution by the master service. Tasks submitted to the same queue (while the master service is otherwise busy) will be batched together into a single cluster state update. You should therefore re-use each queue as much as possible.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the tasks
      name - The name of the queue, which is mostly useful for debugging.
      priority - The priority at which tasks submitted to the queue are executed. Avoid priorites other than Priority.NORMAL where possible. A stream of higher-priority tasks can starve lower-priority ones from running. Higher-priority tasks should definitely re-use the same MasterServiceTaskQueue so that they are executed in batches.
      executor - The executor which processes each batch of tasks.
      A new batching task queue.