Interface BlockLoader.Reader

All Known Subinterfaces:
BlockLoader.AllReader, BlockLoader.ColumnAtATimeReader, BlockLoader.RowStrideReader
All Known Implementing Classes:
BlockDocValuesReader, BlockLoader.ConstantNullsReader, BlockSourceReader, BlockStoredFieldsReader, BooleanScriptBlockDocValuesReader, DateScriptBlockDocValuesReader, DoubleScriptBlockDocValuesReader, IpScriptBlockDocValuesReader, KeywordScriptBlockDocValuesReader, LongScriptBlockDocValuesReader
Enclosing interface:

public static interface BlockLoader.Reader
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    canReuse(int startingDocID)
    Checks if the reader can be used to read a range documents starting with the given docID by the current thread.
  • Method Details

    • canReuse

      boolean canReuse(int startingDocID)
      Checks if the reader can be used to read a range documents starting with the given docID by the current thread.