Interface MappedFieldType.BlockLoaderContext

Enclosing class:

public static interface MappedFieldType.BlockLoaderContext
  • Method Details

    • indexName

      String indexName()
      The name of the index.
    • fieldExtractPreference

      MappedFieldType.FieldExtractPreference fieldExtractPreference()
      How the field should be extracted into the BlockLoader. The default is MappedFieldType.FieldExtractPreference.NONE, which means that the field type can choose where to load the field from. However, in some cases, the caller may have a preference. For example, when loading a spatial field for usage in STATS, it is preferable to load from doc-values.
    • lookup

      SearchLookup lookup()
      SearchLookup used for building scripts.
    • sourcePaths

      Set<String> sourcePaths(String name)
      Find the paths in _source that contain values for the field named name.
    • parentField

      String parentField(String field)
      If field is a leaf multi-field return the path to the parent field. Otherwise, return null.
    • fieldNames

      The _field_names field mapper, mostly used to check if it is enabled.