Class RefreshListeners

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable,

public final class RefreshListeners extends Object implements, Closeable
Allows for the registration of listeners that are called when a change becomes visible for search. This functionality is exposed from IndexShard but kept here so it can be tested without standing up the entire thing. When Closeable.close()d it will no longer accept listeners and flush any existing listeners.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • forceRefreshes

      public Releasable forceRefreshes()
      Force-refreshes newly added listeners and forces a refresh if there are currently listeners registered. See refreshForcers.
    • addOrNotify

      public boolean addOrNotify(Translog.Location location, Consumer<Boolean> listener)
      Add a listener for refreshes, calling it immediately if the location is already visible. If this runs out of listener slots then it forces a refresh and calls the listener immediately as well.
      location - the location to listen for
      listener - for the refresh. Called with true if registering the listener ran it out of slots and forced a refresh. Called with false otherwise.
      did we call the listener (true) or register the listener to call later (false)?
    • addOrNotify

      public boolean addOrNotify(long checkpoint, boolean allowUnIssuedSequenceNumber, ActionListener<Void> listener)
      Add a listener for refreshes, calling it immediately if the location is already visible. If this runs out of listener slots then it fails the listener immediately. The checkpoint cannot be greater than the processed local checkpoint if allowUnIssuedSequenceNumber is false. This method does not respect the forceRefreshes state. It will NEVER force a refresh on the calling thread. Instead, it will simply add listeners or rejected them if too many listeners are already waiting.
      checkpoint - the seqNo checkpoint to listen for
      allowUnIssuedSequenceNumber - if true allow listening for checkpoint newer than the processed local checkpoint
      listener - for the refresh.
      did we call the listener (true) or register the listener to call later (false)?
    • close

      public void close() throws IOException
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
    • refreshNeeded

      public boolean refreshNeeded()
      Returns true if there are pending listeners.
    • pendingCount

      public int pendingCount()
      The total number of pending listeners.
    • setCurrentRefreshLocationSupplier

      public void setCurrentRefreshLocationSupplier(Supplier<Translog.Location> currentRefreshLocationSupplier)
      Setup the translog used to find the last refreshed location.
    • setCurrentProcessedCheckpointSupplier

      public void setCurrentProcessedCheckpointSupplier(LongSupplier processedCheckpointSupplier)
      Setup the engine used to find the last processed sequence number checkpoint.
    • setMaxIssuedSeqNoSupplier

      public void setMaxIssuedSeqNoSupplier(LongSupplier maxIssuedSeqNoSupplier)
      Setup the engine used to find the max issued seqNo.
    • beforeRefresh

      public void beforeRefresh() throws IOException
      Specified by:
      beforeRefresh in interface
    • afterRefresh

      public void afterRefresh(boolean didRefresh) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      afterRefresh in interface