Interface InferenceServiceResults

All Superinterfaces:
NamedWriteable, ToXContent, ToXContentFragment, Writeable
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface InferenceServiceResults extends NamedWriteable, ToXContentFragment
  • Method Details

    • transformToCoordinationFormat

      List<? extends InferenceResults> transformToCoordinationFormat()
      Transform the result to match the format required for the TransportCoordinatedInferenceAction. For the inference plugin TextEmbeddingResults, the transformToLegacyFormat() transforms the results into an intermediate format only used by the plugin's return value. It doesn't align with what the TransportCoordinatedInferenceAction expects. TransportCoordinatedInferenceAction expects an ml plugin TextEmbeddingResults. For other results like SparseEmbeddingResults, this method can be a pass through to the transformToLegacyFormat.
    • transformToLegacyFormat

      List<? extends InferenceResults> transformToLegacyFormat()
      Transform the result to match the format required for versions prior to TransportVersions.V_8_12_0
    • asMap

      Map<String,Object> asMap()
      Convert the result to a map to aid with test assertions