Interface TriangleTreeVisitor

All Known Implementing Classes:
Component2DVisitor, TriangleTreeVisitor.TriangleTreeDecodedVisitor

public interface TriangleTreeVisitor
Visitor for triangle interval tree.
See Also:
  • TriangleTreeReader
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
    Visitor for triangle interval tree which decodes the coordinates
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static boolean
    abFromTriangle(byte metadata)
    static boolean
    bcFromTriangle(byte metadata)
    static boolean
    caFromTriangle(byte metadata)
    Should the visitor keep visiting the tree.
    push(int maxX, int maxY)
    Should the visitor visit nodes that have bounds lower or equal than the maxX and minX provided.
    push(int minX, int minY, int maxX, int maxY)
    Should the visitor visit the tree given the bounding box of the tree.
    pushX(int minX)
    Should the visitor visit nodes that have bounds greater or equal than the minX provided.
    pushY(int minY)
    Should the visitor visit nodes that have bounds greater or equal than the minY provided.
    visitLine(int aX, int aY, int bX, int bY, byte metadata)
    visit a node line.
    visitPoint(int x, int y)
    visit a node point.
    visitTriangle(int aX, int aY, int bX, int bY, int cX, int cY, byte metadata)
    visit a node triangle.
  • Method Details

    • visitPoint

      void visitPoint(int x, int y)
      visit a node point.
    • visitLine

      void visitLine(int aX, int aY, int bX, int bY, byte metadata)
      visit a node line.
    • visitTriangle

      void visitTriangle(int aX, int aY, int bX, int bY, int cX, int cY, byte metadata)
      visit a node triangle.
    • push

      boolean push()
      Should the visitor keep visiting the tree. Called after visiting a node or skipping a tree branch, if the return value is false, no more nodes will be visited.
    • pushX

      boolean pushX(int minX)
      Should the visitor visit nodes that have bounds greater or equal than the minX provided.
    • pushY

      boolean pushY(int minY)
      Should the visitor visit nodes that have bounds greater or equal than the minY provided.
    • push

      boolean push(int maxX, int maxY)
      Should the visitor visit nodes that have bounds lower or equal than the maxX and minX provided.
    • push

      boolean push(int minX, int minY, int maxX, int maxY)
      Should the visitor visit the tree given the bounding box of the tree. Called before visiting the tree.
    • abFromTriangle

      static boolean abFromTriangle(byte metadata)
    • bcFromTriangle

      static boolean bcFromTriangle(byte metadata)
    • caFromTriangle

      static boolean caFromTriangle(byte metadata)