Class FsHealthService

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable, LifecycleComponent, Releasable, NodeHealthService

public final class FsHealthService extends AbstractLifecycleComponent implements NodeHealthService
Runs periodically and attempts to create a temp file to see if the filesystem is writable. If not then it marks the path as unhealthy.
  • Field Details


      public static final Setting<Boolean> ENABLED_SETTING

      public static final Setting<TimeValue> REFRESH_INTERVAL_SETTING

      public static final Setting<TimeValue> SLOW_PATH_LOGGING_THRESHOLD_SETTING
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • doStart

      protected void doStart()
      Description copied from class: AbstractLifecycleComponent
      Start this component. Typically that means doing things like launching background processes and registering listeners on other components. Other components have been initialized by this point, but may not yet be started.

      If this method throws an exception then the startup process will fail, but this component will not be stopped before it is closed.

      This method is called while synchronized on AbstractLifecycleComponent.lifecycle. It is only called once in the lifetime of a component, although it may not be called at all if the startup process encountered some kind of fatal error, such as the failure of some other component to initialize or start.

      Specified by:
      doStart in class AbstractLifecycleComponent
    • doStop

      protected void doStop()
      Description copied from class: AbstractLifecycleComponent
      Stop this component. Typically that means doing the reverse of whatever AbstractLifecycleComponent.doStart() does.

      This method is called while synchronized on AbstractLifecycleComponent.lifecycle. It is only called once in the lifetime of a component, after calling AbstractLifecycleComponent.doStart(), although it will not be called at all if this component did not successfully start.

      Specified by:
      doStop in class AbstractLifecycleComponent
    • doClose

      protected void doClose()
      Description copied from class: AbstractLifecycleComponent
      Close this component. Typically that means doing the reverse of whatever happened during initialization, such as releasing resources acquired there.

      This method is called while synchronized on AbstractLifecycleComponent.lifecycle. It is called once in the lifetime of a component. If the component was started then it will be stopped before it is closed, and once it is closed it will not be started or stopped.

      Specified by:
      doClose in class AbstractLifecycleComponent
    • setEnabled

      public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
    • setSlowPathLoggingThreshold

      public void setSlowPathLoggingThreshold(TimeValue slowPathLoggingThreshold)
    • getHealth

      public StatusInfo getHealth()
      Specified by:
      getHealth in interface NodeHealthService