Interface SignificantTerms.Bucket

All Superinterfaces:
HasAggregations, MultiBucketsAggregation.Bucket, ToXContent
All Known Implementing Classes:
InternalSignificantTerms.Bucket, SignificantLongTerms.Bucket, SignificantStringTerms.Bucket, UnmappedSignificantTerms.Bucket
Enclosing interface:

public static interface SignificantTerms.Bucket extends MultiBucketsAggregation.Bucket
  • Method Details

    • getSignificanceScore

      double getSignificanceScore()
      The significant score for the subset
    • getSubsetDf

      long getSubsetDf()
      The number of docs in the subset containing a particular term. This number is equal to the document count of the bucket.
    • getSubsetSize

      long getSubsetSize()
      The numbers of docs in the subset (also known as "foreground set"). This number is equal to the document count of the containing aggregation.
    • getSupersetDf

      long getSupersetDf()
      The number of docs in the superset containing a particular term (also known as the "background count" of the bucket)
    • getSupersetSize

      long getSupersetSize()
      The numbers of docs in the superset (ordinarily the background count of the containing aggregation).