
final class KnockoffString(val wrapped: String) extends AnyVal
class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def countLeading(ch: Char): Int
def findBalanced(open: Char, close: Char, start: Int): Option[Int]

Locates proper parenthetical sequences in a string.

Locates proper parenthetical sequences in a string.

def nextNIndicesOf(n: Int, str: String, escape: Option[Char]): List[Int]

Return the next N indices of a string where the sequence is found.

Return the next N indices of a string where the sequence is found.


A list of size n if found, otherwise Nil

def substringOption(start: Int, finish: Int): Option[String]
def toOption: Option[String]
def trimChars(ch: Char): String

Concrete fields

val wrapped: String