

package util

Miscellaneous utility code for manipulating standard objects.

This package is designed to be maximally convenient if you import org.gerweck.scala.util._.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. util
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class BeanWrapper extends AnyRef

    A wrapper around JavaBeans that allows one to get and set properties.

  2. implicit final class CharUtils extends AnyVal

    Utility functionality for working with characters.

  3. final class ExitCode extends AnyVal

    An exit code used for UNIX processes.

  4. trait LexerUtil extends Scanners with ParserUtil

  5. class PairArray[A] extends AnyRef

    An array of pairs.

  6. trait ParserUtil extends Parsers

  7. implicit final class RichMessageFormat extends AnyVal

    Enhancements to Java's MessageFormat API.

  8. class SquareArray[T] extends AnyRef

  9. class SquarePairArray[A] extends AnyRef

  10. implicit final class StringUtils extends AnyVal

    Utility functionality for working with strings.

  11. trait TokenParserUtil extends TokenParsers with ParserUtil

    Mix-in utility code to assist with Parser development.

  12. implicit final class TraversableUtil[A] extends AnyVal

    Additional methods for traversables.

  13. trait UniversalOrdering[A <: SmartComparable[A]] extends Ordered[A]

  14. final class VersionNumber extends Ordered[VersionNumber]

    A class for managing standard version numbers.

Value Members

  1. object BeanWrapper

  2. object ExitCode

    A container of standardized exit codes.

  3. object FileUtil

    Simple utility methods for dealing with files.

  4. object LexerUtil

  5. object PairArray

  6. object Regex

    Utilities to make it more convenient to work with regular expressions.

  7. object Resources

    A utility for working with resources bundled into your application.

  8. object SquareArray

  9. object SquarePairArray

  10. object Support

  11. object ThreadFactories

    Utility mechanisms for constructing thread factories.

  12. object TypeUtils

    Utilities for working with types

  13. object UniversalOrdering

  14. object VersionNumber

  15. object XmlUtil

    Utilities and implicit enhancements for working with XML.

  16. package date

  17. package jdbc

  18. package joda

    Implicit utilities for working with Joda Time.

  19. package math

    Global imports for math utility.

  20. object resource

  21. def rotateHash(v1: Any, v2: Any, inputs: Any*): Int

    Compute a very fast hash functional of all the inputs' hashes.

    Compute a very fast hash functional of all the inputs' hashes.

    There is no guarantee that this value will be stable between releases. It's suitable for an ephemeral hashCode if all the versions of the code are on the same versions of GerweckUtil.

  22. final def rotateHash(v1: Any, v2: Any): Int

  23. final def rotateHash(v1: Any): Int

  24. object timed

  25. object timedFuture

    Timer that operates on a scala.concurrent.Future.

  26. package twitter

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
