Mojarra 4.1.0-M1 4.1.0-M1 API

Top level classes for the Jakarta Faces API.
Annotations in this class allow injection of Jakarta Faces objects into CDI beans.
APIs that are used to link an application's business logic objects to Jakarta Faces, as well as convenient pluggable mechanisms to manage the execution of an application that is based on Jakarta Faces.
Fundamental APIs for user interface components.
APIs for attaching additional behavior to user interface components.
Specialized user interface component classes for HTML.
APIs for searching for components in the component tree by using expressions.
APIs for traversing a user interface component view.
Classes and interfaces defining per-request state information.
Contains classes and interfaces defining converters.
DEPRECATED Classes and interfaces for evaluating and processing reference expressions.
Interfaces describing events and event listeners, and concrete event implementation classes.
The runtime API for Faces Flows.
Classes for declaring a Faces Flow.
Classes and interfaces defining lifecycle management for the Jakarta Faces implementation.
Standard model data beans for Jakarta Faces.
This package hosts the CDI annotation for injecting a PushContext.
Classes and interfaces defining the rendering model.
Interface defining the validator model, and concrete validator implementation classes.
Classes for defining a View Declaration Language (VDL) for authoring Jakarta Faces user interfaces.
This package contains public classes for the Java code API of Facelets.
Classes required for integration of Jakarta Faces into web applications, including a standard Jakarta Servlet, base classes for Jakarta Server Pages custom component tags, and concrete tag implementations for core tags.