

package sohva

Contains all the classes needed to interact with a couchdb server. Classes in this package allows the user to:

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  1. sohva
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. final case class Attachment(content_type: String, revpos: Int, digest: String, length: Int, stub: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  2. case class AuthInfo(authentication_db: String, authentication_handlers: List[String], authenticated: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Authentication information indicating the authentication database, the handler used and the authentication method

  3. case class AuthResult(ok: Boolean, userCtx: UserCtx, info: Option[AuthInfo]) extends Product with Serializable

    Result of the authentication request

  4. case class Change(seq: Int, id: String, rev: String, deleted: Boolean, doc: Option[JObject]) extends Product with Serializable

    A change that occurred in the database.

  5. abstract class ChangeStream extends AnyRef

    A stream that gets the changes from a database and notifies a registered handler when any change is received.

  6. case class Configuration(sections: Map[String, Map[String, String]]) extends Product with Serializable

    The configuration object of a couchdb instance

  7. class ConflictException extends CouchException

  8. trait CouchClient extends CouchDB

    A CouchDB instance.

  9. trait CouchDB extends AnyRef

    A CouchDB instance.

  10. class CouchException extends Exception

  11. trait CouchSession extends CouchDB

    An instance of a Couch session, that allows the user to login and send request identified with the login credentials.

  12. case class CouchUser(name: String, password: String, roles: List[String], type: String = "user", _rev: Option[String] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  13. trait Database extends AnyRef

    Gives the user access to the different operations available on a database.

  14. abstract class DbRef extends AnyRef

    A Reference to a database.

  15. sealed trait DbResult extends AnyRef

  16. trait Design extends AnyRef

    A design gives access to the different views.

  17. case class DesignDoc(_id: String, language: String, views: Map[String, ViewDoc] = ..., validate_doc_update: Option[String] = scala.None, updates: Map[String, String] = ..., filters: Map[String, String] = ..., shows: Map[String, String] = ..., lists: Map[String, String] = ..., _rev: Option[String] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  18. type Doc = AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    A couchdb document must have an _id field and an optional _rev field.

  19. final case class DocUpdate(ok: Boolean, id: String, rev: String) extends Product with Serializable

  20. final case class ErrorResult(id: Option[String], error: String, reason: String) extends DbResult with Product with Serializable

  21. final case class InfoResult(compact_running: Boolean, db_name: String, disk_format_version: Int, disk_size: Int, doc_count: Int, doc_del_count: Int, instance_start_time: String, purge_seq: Int, update_seq: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  22. class JsonSerializer extends AnyRef

    The interface for the Json serializer/deserializer.

  23. case class LastSeq(last_seq: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Last update sequence sent by the server

  24. case class LocalDb(name: String) extends DbRef with Product with Serializable

    A Reference to a local database identified by its name.

  25. final case class OkResult(ok: Boolean, id: Option[String], rev: Option[String]) extends DbResult with Product with Serializable

  26. case class RemoteDb(url: URL) extends DbRef with Product with Serializable

    A Reference to a remote database identified by its url.

  27. case class Replication(_id: String, source: DbRef, target: DbRef, continuous: Option[Boolean] = scala.None, create_target: Option[Boolean] = scala.None, _replication_id: Option[String] = scala.None, _replication_state: Option[String] = scala.None, _replication_state_time: Option[String] = scala.None, doc_ids: List[String] = immutable.this.Nil, user_ctx: Option[UserCtx] = scala.None, _rev: Option[String] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

    A replication document contains information about a particular replication process (continuous or not, .

  28. trait Replicator extends Database

    A replicator database that allows people to manage replications:

  29. case class Row[Key, Value, Doc](id: String, key: Key, value: Value, doc: Option[Doc] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  30. case class SecurityDoc(admins: SecurityList = EmptySecurityList, members: SecurityList = EmptySecurityList) extends Product with Serializable

    A security document is a special document for couchdb.

  31. case class SecurityList(names: List[String] = immutable.this.Nil, roles: List[String] = immutable.this.Nil) extends Product with Serializable

  32. case class SohvaJsonException(msg: String, inner: Exception) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

  33. trait SohvaSerializer[T] extends AnyRef

    Implement this trait to define a custom serializer that may handle object differently based on the CouchDB version

  34. case class UserCtx(name: String, roles: List[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    The user context giving his name and roles

  35. case class UserInfo(name: String, roles: List[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    A couchdb user has a name, a password and a lit of roles.

  36. trait Users extends AnyRef

    The users database, exposing the interface for managing couchdb users.

  37. trait View[Key, Value, Doc] extends AnyRef

    A view can be queried to get the result.

  38. case class ViewDoc(map: String, reduce: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  39. final case class ViewResult[Key, Value, Doc](total_rows: Int, offset: Int, rows: List[Row[Key, Value, Doc]]) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object ChangeStream

  2. object EmptySecurityList extends SecurityList

  3. package async

  4. package conflict

  5. package strategy

  6. package sync

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
