Constant Field Values
Modifier and TypeConstant FieldValue
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
Modifier and TypeConstant FieldValue
public static final String
public static final String
"geometry:polygon and building=*"
public static final String
"geometry:polygon and building=house"
public static final String
public static final String
"type:way and natural=*"
public static final String
"type:way and highway=residential"
public static final String
"type:way and highway=*"
public static final String
public static final String
"type:node and \"addr:housenumber\"=*"
public static final String
Modifier and TypeConstant FieldValue
public static final String
"WGS84 coordinates in the following format: id1:lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2|id2:lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2|... OR lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2|lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2|...; no default value (one boundary parameter must be defined)"
public static final String
"WGS84 coordinates + radius in meter in the following format: id1:lon,lat,r|id2:lon,lat,r|... OR lon,lat,r|lon,lat,r|...; no default value (one boundary parameter must be defined)"
public static final String
"WGS84 coordinates given as a list of coordinate pairs (as for bboxes) or GeoJSON FeatureCollection. The first point has to be the same as the last point and MultiPolygons are only supported in GeoJSON; no default value (one boundary parameter must be defined)"
public static final String
"Boolean operator to specify whether the returned geometries of the features should be clipped to the query\'s spatial boundary (\u2018true\u2019), or not (\u2018false\u2019); default: \u2018true\u2019"
public static final String
"Filter contributions by contribution type: \'creation\', \'deletion\', \'tagChange\', \'geometryChange\' or a combination of them; no default value"
public static final String
"Combines several attributive filters, e.g. OSM type, the geometry (simple feature) type, as well as the OSM tag; no default value"
public static final String
"Output format geojson (for /groupBy/boundary resources only), csv, or json; default: json"
public static final String
"OSM key e.g.: \'highway\', \'building\'; no default value (one groupByKey parameter must be defined)"
public static final String
"OSM key(s) e.g.: \'highway\', \'building\'; default: no key"
public static final String
"List of possible property-groups added to each OSM-element: \'tags\' and/or \'metadata\' and/or \'contributionTypes\' (only for the /contributions/{geometryType} endpoints); default: no property"
public static final String
"Boolean operator \'true\' or \'false\'; default: \'false\'"
public static final String
"ISO-8601 conform timestring(s); default: latest timestamp within dataset"
public static final String
"ISO-8601 conform timestring(s) defining timestamps (/elements), or intervals (/elementsFullHistory); no default value"
public static final String
"Custom timeout in seconds; no default value"
public static final String
"OSM type(s) \'node\' and/or \'way\' and/or \'relation\' OR simple feature type(s) \'point\' and/or \'line\' and/or \'polygon\'; default: all three OSM types"
public static final String
"OSM value(s) e.g.: \'primary\', \'residential\'; default: no value"
Modifier and TypeConstant FieldValue
public static final String
"One or more boundary object(s) have a custom id (or at least a colon), whereas other(s) don\'t. You can either set custom ids for all your boundary objects, or for none."
public static final String
"The provided boundary parameter does not lie completely within the underlying data-extract polygon."
public static final String
"Error in processing the boundary parameter. Please remember to follow the format, where you separate every coordinate with a comma, each boundary object with a pipe-sign and add optional custom ids to every first coordinate with a colon."
public static final String
"Your provided boundary parameter (bboxes, bcircles, or bpolys) does not fit its format, or you defined more than one boundary parameter."
public static final String
"The geometry of your given boundary input could not be parsed for the creation of the response GeoJSON."
public static final String
"The bpolys parameter must contain double-parseable values in form of lon/lat coordinate pairs."
public static final String
"The defined bpolys parameter contains some invalid geometry: "
public static final String
"Keytables not found or access to database failed"
public static final String
"Invalid filter: The changeset filters can only be used in contribution based API endpoints. Please look at the additional info and examples about the filter parameter at"
public static final String
"The keys, values and types parameters must be empty, when you set the filter parameter."
public static final String
"Invalid filter syntax. Please look at the additional info and examples about the filter parameter at"
public static final String
"You need to give one groupByKey parameter, if you want to use groupBy/tag."
public static final String
"You need to give one groupByKeys parameter, if you want to use groupBy/key."
public static final String
"There cannot be more input values in the values|values2 than in the keys|keys2 parameter, as values_n must fit to keys_n."
public static final String
"You need to define one of the boundary parameters (bboxes, bcircles, bpolys)."
public static final String
"The query did not specify any parameter. Please remember: You need to define one of the boundary parameters (bboxes, bcircles, bpolys)."
public static final String
"The given query is too large in respect to the given timeout. Please use a smaller region and/or coarser time period."
public static final String
"The properties parameter of this resource can only contain the values \'tags\' and/or \'metadata\' and/or \'unclipped\'."
public static final String
"The properties parameter of this resource can only contain the values \'tags\' and/or \'metadata\' and/or \'contributionTypes\' and/or \'unclipped\'."
public static final String
"The showMetadata parameter can only contain the values \'true\', \'yes\', \'false\', or \'no\'."
public static final String
"The provided time parameter is not ISO-8601 conform."
public static final String
"You need to give at least two timestamps or a time interval for this resource."
public static final String
"Wrong time parameter. You need to give exactly two ISO-8601 conform timestamps."
public static final String
"The given timeout is too long. It has to be shorter than "
public static final String
"The given timeout does not fit to its format. Please give one value in seconds and use a point as the decimal delimiter, if needed."
public static final String
"Parameter \'types\' (and \'types2\') can only have \'node\' and/or \'way\' and/or \'relation\' OR \'point\' and/or \'line\' and/or \'polygon\' and/or \'other\'"
Modifier and TypeConstant FieldValue
public static final String
", aggregated on the boundary."
public static final String
", aggregated on the tag."
public static final String
" satisfying the filter2 parameter (= value2 output), as well as items selected by the filter parameter (= value output) and the quotient (= ratio output) of value2 to value"