

package server

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class InsertHTMLContent(html: String, after: String, parent: String, append: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    Sent to the client to insert HTML into the page after the specified id.

    Sent to the client to insert HTML into the page after the specified id.


    the HTML to insert


    the id of the element to insert the HTML after (null if it should be the first element)


    the id of the parent element to insert the HTML into (only specified if after is null)


    true if this should be appended to the end of the list

  2. case class InsertSVGContent(svg: String, after: String, parent: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Sent to the client to insert SVG into the page after the specified id.

    Sent to the client to insert SVG into the page after the specified id.


    the SVG to insert


    the id of the element to insert the SVG after (null if it should be the first element)


    the id of the parent element to insert the HTML into (only specified if after is null)

  3. case class ReloadPage(forcedReload: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    Event sent to the browser to tell it to reload the page.

  4. case class RemoveHTMLContent(id: String) extends Product with Serializable

  5. case class SetHTMLAttribute(id: String, key: String, value: Any) extends Product with Serializable

    SetHTMLAttribute is sent to the browser to modify an attribute on an HTML element.

    SetHTMLAttribute is sent to the browser to modify an attribute on an HTML element.


    the id of the element to modify


    the attribute name


    the new attribute value

  6. case class SetSelectorStyle(selector: String, key: String, value: String, important: Boolean, styleSheet: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
