Interface FileDescriptorSource.ProgressCallback

Enclosing class:

public static interface FileDescriptorSource.ProgressCallback
A callback interface that receives status notifications during the processing of files defined by a FileDescriptorSource.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    This is invoked when an error is encountered, possibly more thant once per file.
    default void
    This is invoked at most once per file, at the end of the parsing of a file, if it completed successfully.
  • Method Details

    • handleError

      default void handleError(String fileName, DescriptorParserException exception)
      This is invoked when an error is encountered, possibly more thant once per file.
      fileName - the name of the file that failed
      exception - the error
    • handleSuccess

      default void handleSuccess(String fileName)
      This is invoked at most once per file, at the end of the parsing of a file, if it completed successfully.
      fileName - the name of the file that was parsed successfully