Interface Configuration

    • Field Detail


        static final String TYPE_ID_ANNOTATION
        The name of the TypeId annotation. This optional annotation defines a unique positive integer type identifier for each message or enum type. This can be used alternatively instead of the fully qualified type name during marshalling of a WrappedMessage to save bandwidth. Values in range [0..65535] are reserved for internal use by Protostream and related projects from the Infinispan organisation.

        This annotation is pre-defined in all configurations. You do not have to define it manually.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • logOutOfSequenceReads

        boolean logOutOfSequenceReads()
        Flag that indicates in out of sequence reads should be logged as warnings. This is true by default.
      • logOutOfSequenceWrites

        boolean logOutOfSequenceWrites()
        Flag that indicates in out of sequence writes should be logged as warnings. This is true by default.