Module org.jfree.chart3d

Orson Charts is a chart library for the Java(tm) platform (module name org.jfree.chart3d) that can generate a wide variety of 3D charts for use in client-side applications (JavaFX and Swing) and server-side applications (with export to SVG, PDF, PNG and JPEG formats). Key features include:
  1. multiple chart types: pie charts, bar charts (regular and stacked), line charts, area charts, scatter plots and surface charts;
  2. a built-in lightweight 3D rendering engine - no additional or complex dependencies, resulting in easy deployment;
  3. mouse-enabled chart viewing components (for both JavaFX and Swing) provide 360 degree rotation and zooming for precise end-user view control;
  4. auto-adaptive axis labeling;
  5. easy export of charts to PDF and SVG for reporting;
  6. a clean and well-documented API, with a high degree of chart configurability;
BarChart3DDemo1.svg ScatterPlot3DDemo2.svg
PieChart3DDemo1.svg AreaChart3DDemo1.svg

Orson Charts includes only 3D charts, for 2D charts we recommend the excellent JFreeChart library (by the same author).

There is also a version of Orson Charts available for the Android platform.

Getting Started
To get started with Orson Charts, you simply need to add the org.jfree.chart3d module to your application and begin coding. Your first step is to set up some data that you want to display. Orson Charts reads data through a dataset interface - there are three key interfaces, one that is used for pie charts (PieDataset3D), one that is used for bar charts and other category based charts (CategoryDataset3D) and one for plots that use numerical data (XYZDataset). There are standard implementations of these interfaces includes in the library, making it straightforward to create a new dataset. Here is an example for a pie chart:

  StandardPieDataset3D dataset = new StandardPieDataset3D();
  dataset.add("Milk Products", 625);
  dataset.add("Meat", 114);

Once your dataset is ready, the next step is to create a chart object - here the Chart3DFactory class can help, as it has utility methods to create some standard chart types:

  Chart3D chart = Chart3DFactory.createPieChart("Title", "Subtitle", dataset);

Finally, if you are developing a Swing application, you will want to place the chart somewhere in your UI. Here the Chart3DPanel class can be used:

  Chart3DPanel chartPanel = new Chart3DPanel(chart);

You can find complete examples in the JFree Demos project at GitHub. You are encouraged to explore these example programs and review these Javadoc pages to learn more about Orson Charts.

More Information
Please visit for the latest information about Orson Charts.