Package org.jmrtd

Class AbstractMRTDCardService

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractMRTDCardService

        public AbstractMRTDCardService()
    • Method Detail

      • doBAC

        public abstract BACResult doBAC​(AccessKeySpec bacKey)
                                 throws net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException
        Performs the Basic Access Control protocol.
        bacKey - the key based on the document number, the card holder's birth date, and the document's expiration date
        the BAC result
        net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException - if authentication failed
      • doBAC

        public abstract BACResult doBAC​(SecretKey kEnc,
                                        SecretKey kMac)
                                 throws net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException,
        Performs the Basic Access Control protocol. It does BAC using kEnc and kMac keys, usually calculated from the document number, the card holder's date of birth, and the card's date of expiry. A secure messaging channel is set up as a result.
        kEnc - static 3DES key required for BAC
        kMac - static 3DES key required for BAC
        the result
        net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException - if authentication failed
        GeneralSecurityException - on security primitives related problems
      • doPACE

        public PACEResult doPACE​(AccessKeySpec keySpec,
                                 String oid,
                                 AlgorithmParameterSpec params)
                          throws net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException
        Use the variant with additional parameter identifier
        Performs the PACE 2.0 / SAC protocol. A secure messaging channel is set up as a result.
        keySpec - the MRZ
        oid - as specified in the PACEInfo, indicates GM or IM or CAM, DH or ECDH, cipher, digest, length
        params - explicit static domain parameters the domain params for DH or ECDH
        the result
        net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException - if authentication failed or on error
      • doPACE

        public abstract PACEResult doPACE​(AccessKeySpec keySpec,
                                          String oid,
                                          AlgorithmParameterSpec params,
                                          BigInteger parameterId)
                                   throws net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException
        Performs the PACE 2.0 / SAC protocol. A secure messaging channel is set up as a result.
        keySpec - the MRZ
        oid - as specified in the PACEInfo, indicates GM or IM or CAM, DH or ECDH, cipher, digest, length
        params - explicit static domain parameters the domain params for DH or ECDH
        parameterId - parameter identifier or null
        the result
        net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException - if authentication failed or on error
      • sendSelectApplet

        public abstract void sendSelectApplet​(boolean shouldUseSecureMessaging)
                                       throws net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException
        Selects the card side applet. If PACE has been executed successfully previously, then the card has authenticated us and a secure messaging channel has already been established. If not, then the caller should request BAC execution as a next step.
        shouldUseSecureMessaging - indicates whether a secure messaging channel has already been established (which is the case if PACE has been executed)
        net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException - on error
      • sendSelectMF

        public abstract void sendSelectMF()
                                   throws net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException
        Selects the master file.
        net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException - on error
      • doAA

        public abstract AAResult doAA​(PublicKey publicKey,
                                      String digestAlgorithm,
                                      String signatureAlgorithm,
                                      byte[] challenge)
                               throws net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException
        Performs the Active Authentication protocol.
        publicKey - the public key to use (usually read from the card)
        digestAlgorithm - the digest algorithm to use, or null
        signatureAlgorithm - signature algorithm
        challenge - challenge
        a boolean indicating whether the card was authenticated
        net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException - on error
      • doEACCA

        public abstract EACCAResult doEACCA​(BigInteger keyId,
                                            String oid,
                                            String publicKeyOID,
                                            PublicKey publicKey)
                                     throws net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException
        Perform CA (Chip Authentication) part of EAC (version 1). For details see TR-03110 ver. 1.11. In short, we authenticate the chip with (EC)DH key agreement protocol and create new secure messaging keys. A new secure messaging channel is set up as a result.
        keyId - the chip's public key id (stored in DG14), null if none
        oid - the object identifier indicating the Chip Authentication protocol
        publicKeyOID - the object identifier indicating the public key algorithm used
        publicKey - passport's public key (stored in DG14)
        the Chip Authentication result
        net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException - if CA failed or some error occurred
      • doEACTA

        public abstract EACTAResult doEACTA​(CVCPrincipal caReference,
                                            List<CardVerifiableCertificate> terminalCertificates,
                                            PrivateKey terminalKey,
                                            String taAlg,
                                            EACCAResult chipAuthenticationResult,
                                            String documentNumber)
                                     throws net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException
        Performs Terminal Authentication (TA) part of EAC (version 1). For details see TR-03110 ver. 1.11. In short, we feed the sequence of terminal certificates to the card for verification, get a challenge from the card, sign it with the terminal private key, and send the result back to the card for verification.
        caReference - reference issuer
        terminalCertificates - terminal certificate chain
        terminalKey - terminal private key
        taAlg - algorithm
        chipAuthenticationResult - the chip authentication result
        documentNumber - the document number
        the Terminal Authentication result
        net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException - on error
      • doEACTA

        public abstract EACTAResult doEACTA​(CVCPrincipal caReference,
                                            List<CardVerifiableCertificate> terminalCertificates,
                                            PrivateKey terminalKey,
                                            String taAlg,
                                            EACCAResult chipAuthenticationResult,
                                            PACEResult paceResult)
                                     throws net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException
        Performs Terminal Authentication (TA) part of EAC (version 1). For details see TR-03110 ver. 1.11. In short, we feed the sequence of terminal certificates to the card for verification, get a challenge from the card, sign it with the terminal private key, and send the result back to the card for verification.
        caReference - reference issuer
        terminalCertificates - terminal certificate chain
        terminalKey - terminal private key
        taAlg - algorithm
        chipAuthenticationResult - the chip authentication result
        paceResult - the PACE result
        the Terminal Authentication result
        net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException - on error
      • getWrapper

        public abstract SecureMessagingWrapper getWrapper()
        Returns the secure messaging wrapper currently in use.
        the secure messaging wrapper
      • getMaxReadBinaryLength

        public abstract int getMaxReadBinaryLength()
        Returns the currently set maximum length to be requested in READ BINARY commands. If the applet file system has not yet been selected, this will return the normal length.
        the currently set maximum length to be requested in READ BINARY commands