Class PACEProtocol

  • public class PACEProtocol
    extends Object
    The Password Authenticated Connection Establishment protocol.
    $Revision: 1853 $
    The JMRTD team ([email protected])
    • Constructor Detail

      • PACEProtocol

        public PACEProtocol​(APDULevelPACECapable service,
                            SecureMessagingWrapper wrapper,
                            int maxTranceiveLength,
                            boolean shouldCheckMAC)
        Use the other constructor with explicit max tranceive lengths for protocol and secure messaging
        Constructs a PACE protocol instance. The max tranceive lengths used during PACE protocol execution will be set to 256.
        service - the service for sending APDUs
        wrapper - the already established secure messaging channel (or null)
        maxTranceiveLength - the maximal tranceive length (on responses to READ BINARY) to use in the resulting secure messaging channel
        shouldCheckMAC - whether the resulting secure messaging channel should apply strict MAC checking on response APDUs
      • PACEProtocol

        public PACEProtocol​(APDULevelPACECapable service,
                            SecureMessagingWrapper wrapper,
                            int maxTranceiveLengthForProtocol,
                            int maxTranceiveLengthForSecureMessaging,
                            boolean shouldCheckMAC)
        Constructs a PACE protocol instance.
        service - the service for sending APDUs
        wrapper - the already established secure messaging channel (or null)
        maxTranceiveLengthForProtocol - the maximal tranceive length PACE during protocol execution, 256 or 65536
        maxTranceiveLengthForSecureMessaging - the maximal tranceive length (on responses to READ BINARY) to use in the resulting secure messaging channel
        shouldCheckMAC - whether the resulting secure messaging channel should apply strict MAC checking on response APDUs
    • Method Detail

      • doPACE

        public PACEResult doPACE​(AccessKeySpec accessKey,
                                 String oid,
                                 AlgorithmParameterSpec staticParameters,
                                 BigInteger parameterId)
                          throws net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException
        Performs the PACE 2.0 / SAC protocol.
        accessKey - the MRZ or CAN based access key
        oid - as specified in the PACEInfo, indicates GM or IM or CAM, DH or ECDH, cipher, digest, length
        staticParameters - explicit static domain parameters for DH or ECDH
        parameterId - parameter identifier or null
        a PACE result
        net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException - if authentication failed or on some lower-level error
      • doPACEStep1

        public byte[] doPACEStep1​(SecretKey staticPACEKey,
                                  Cipher staticPACECipher)
                           throws CardServiceProtocolException
        The first step in the PACE protocol receives an encrypted nonce from the PICC and decrypts it.
        staticPACEKey - the static PACE key
        staticPACECipher - the cipher to reuse
        the decrypted encrypted PICC nonce
        CardServiceProtocolException - on error
      • doPACEStep2

        public PACEMappingResult doPACEStep2​(PACEInfo.MappingType mappingType,
                                             String agreementAlg,
                                             AlgorithmParameterSpec params,
                                             byte[] piccNonce,
                                             Cipher staticPACECipher)
                                      throws CardServiceProtocolException
        The second step in the PACE protocol computes ephemeral domain parameters by mapping the PICC generated nonce (and optionally the PCD generated nonce, which will be exchanged, in case of Integrated Mapping).
        mappingType - either CAM, GM, or IM
        agreementAlg - the agreement algorithm, either DH or ECDH
        params - the static domain parameters
        piccNonce - the nonce received from the PICC
        staticPACECipher - the cipher to use in IM
        the newly computed ephemeral domain parameters
        CardServiceProtocolException - on error
      • doPACEStep2GM

        public PACEGMMappingResult doPACEStep2GM​(String agreementAlg,
                                                 AlgorithmParameterSpec params,
                                                 byte[] piccNonce)
                                          throws CardServiceProtocolException
        The second step in the PACE protocol (GM case) computes ephemeral domain parameters by performing a key agreement protocol with the PICC nonce as input.
        agreementAlg - the agreement algorithm, either DH or ECDH
        params - the static domain parameters
        piccNonce - the received nonce from the PICC
        the computed ephemeral domain parameters
        CardServiceProtocolException - on error
      • doPACEStep2IM

        public PACEIMMappingResult doPACEStep2IM​(String agreementAlg,
                                                 AlgorithmParameterSpec params,
                                                 byte[] piccNonce,
                                                 Cipher staticPACECipher)
                                          throws CardServiceProtocolException
        The second step in the PACE protocol computes ephemeral domain parameters by performing a key agreement protocol with the PICC and PCD nonces as input.
        agreementAlg - the agreement algorithm, either DH or ECDH
        params - the static domain parameters
        piccNonce - the received nonce from the PICC
        staticPACECipher - the cipher to use for IM
        the computed ephemeral domain parameters
        CardServiceProtocolException - on error
      • doPACEStep3ExchangePublicKeys

        public PublicKey doPACEStep3ExchangePublicKeys​(PublicKey pcdPublicKey,
                                                       AlgorithmParameterSpec ephemeralParams)
                                                throws CardServiceProtocolException
        Sends the PCD's public key to the PICC and receives and interprets the PICC's public key in exchange.
        pcdPublicKey - the PCD's public key
        ephemeralParams - the ephemeral parameters to interpret the PICC's public key
        the PICC's public key
        CardServiceProtocolException - on error
      • doPACEStep3KeyAgreement

        public byte[] doPACEStep3KeyAgreement​(String agreementAlg,
                                              PrivateKey pcdPrivateKey,
                                              PublicKey piccPublicKey)
                                       throws CardServiceProtocolException
        Performs the key agreement.
        agreementAlg - the agreement algorithm, either "DH" or "ECDH"
        pcdPrivateKey - the PCD's private key
        piccPublicKey - the PICC's public key
        the shared secret
        CardServiceProtocolException - on error
      • doPACEStep4

        public byte[] doPACEStep4​(String oid,
                                  PACEInfo.MappingType mappingType,
                                  KeyPair pcdKeyPair,
                                  PublicKey piccPublicKey,
                                  SecretKey macKey)
                           throws net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException
        Exchanges authentication tokens.
        oid - the object identifier
        mappingType - the mapping type (GM or IM)
        pcdKeyPair - the PCD's key pair
        piccPublicKey - the PICC's public key
        macKey - the MAC key to use
        possible encrypted chip authentication data (PACE-CAM case)
        net.sf.scuba.smartcards.CardServiceException - on error
      • deriveStaticPACEKey

        public static SecretKey deriveStaticPACEKey​(AccessKeySpec accessKey,
                                                    String oid)
                                             throws GeneralSecurityException
        Derives the static key K_pi.
        accessKey - the key material from the MRZ
        oid - the PACE object identifier is needed to determine the cipher algorithm and the key length
        the derived key
        GeneralSecurityException - on error
      • mapNonceGMWithECDH

        public static ECParameterSpec mapNonceGMWithECDH​(byte[] nonceS,
                                                         ECPoint sharedSecretPointH,
                                                         ECParameterSpec staticParameters)
        Maps the nonce for the ECDH case using Generic Mapping to get new parameters (notably a new generator).
        nonceS - the nonce received from the PICC
        sharedSecretPointH - the shared secret
        staticParameters - the static parameters
        the new parameters
      • mapNonceGMWithDH

        public static DHParameterSpec mapNonceGMWithDH​(byte[] nonceS,
                                                       BigInteger sharedSecretH,
                                                       DHParameterSpec staticParameters)
        Maps the nonce for the DH case using Generic Mapping to get new parameters (notably a new generator).
        nonceS - the nonce received from the PICC
        sharedSecretH - the shared secret point
        staticParameters - the static parameters
        the new parameters
      • mapNonceIMWithECDH

        public static AlgorithmParameterSpec mapNonceIMWithECDH​(byte[] nonceS,
                                                                byte[] nonceT,
                                                                String cipherAlgorithm,
                                                                ECParameterSpec params)
                                                         throws GeneralSecurityException
        Transforms the nonces using a pseudo random number function and maps the resulting value to a point on the curve. The resulting point is used as a generator as part of the returned domain parameters.
        nonceS - the nonce from the PICC
        nonceT - the nonce from the PCD
        cipherAlgorithm - the cipher algorithm to be used by the pseudo random function (either "AES" or "DESede")
        params - the static domain parameters
        the newly computed domain parameters
        GeneralSecurityException - on error
      • mapNonceIMWithDH

        public static AlgorithmParameterSpec mapNonceIMWithDH​(byte[] nonceS,
                                                              byte[] nonceT,
                                                              String cipherAlgorithm,
                                                              DHParameterSpec params)
                                                       throws GeneralSecurityException
        Transforms the nonces using a pseudo random number function and maps the resulting value to a field element. The resulting field element is used as a generator as part of the returned domain parameters.
        nonceS - the nonce from the PICC
        nonceT - the nonce from the PCD
        cipherAlgorithm - the cipher algorithm to be used by the pseudo random function (either "AES" or "DESede")
        params - the static domain parameters
        the newly computed domain parameters
        GeneralSecurityException - on error
      • pseudoRandomFunction

        public static byte[] pseudoRandomFunction​(byte[] s,
                                                  byte[] t,
                                                  BigInteger p,
                                                  String algorithm)
                                           throws GeneralSecurityException
        Pseudo random number function as specified in Doc 9303 - Part 11, Used in PACE IM.
        s - the nonce that was sent by the ICC
        t - the nonce that was generated by the PCD
        p - the order of the prime field
        algorithm - the algorithm for block cipher E (either "AES" or "DESede")
        the resulting x
        GeneralSecurityException - on cryptographic error
      • icartPointEncode

        public static ECPoint icartPointEncode​(BigInteger t,
                                               ECParameterSpec params)
        Icart's point encoding for Elliptic Curve over a prime field. This maps a field element to a point on the curve. Used in PACE IM ECDH.
        t - the field element to encode
        params - the parameters describing the curve and field
        the point on the curve that the input is mapped to
      • updateParameterSpec

        public static PublicKey updateParameterSpec​(PublicKey publicKey,
                                                    PrivateKey privateKey)
                                             throws GeneralSecurityException
        Updates the parameters of the given public key to match the parameters of the given private key.
        publicKey - the public key, should be an EC public key
        privateKey - the private key, should be an EC private key
        a new public key that uses the parameters of the private key
        GeneralSecurityException - on security error, or when keys are not EC
      • generateAuthenticationToken

        public static byte[] generateAuthenticationToken​(String oid,
                                                         SecretKey macKey,
                                                         PublicKey publicKey)
                                                  throws GeneralSecurityException
        Generates an authentication token. The authentication token SHALL be computed over a public key data object (cf. Section 4.5) containing the object identifier as indicated in MSE:Set AT (cf. Section 3.2.1), and the received ephemeral public key (i.e. excluding the domain parameters, cf. Section 4.5.3) using an authentication code and the key KS MAC derived from the key agreement.
        oid - the object identifier as indicated in MSE Set AT
        macKey - the KS MAC key derived from the key agreement
        publicKey - the received public key
        the authentication code
        GeneralSecurityException - on error while performing the MAC operation
      • computeKeySeedForPACE

        public static byte[] computeKeySeedForPACE​(String cardAccessNumber)
                                            throws GeneralSecurityException
        Computes a key seed given a card access number (CAN).
        cardAccessNumber - the card access number
        a key seed for deriving secure messaging keys
        GeneralSecurityException - on error
      • encodePublicKeyDataObject

        public static byte[] encodePublicKeyDataObject​(String oid,
                                                       PublicKey publicKey)
                                                throws InvalidKeyException
        Based on TR-SAC 1.01 4.5.1 and 4.5.2. For signing authentication token, not for sending to smart card. Assumes context is known.
        oid - object identifier
        publicKey - public key
        encoded public key data object for signing as authentication token
        InvalidKeyException - when public key is not DH or EC
      • encodePublicKeyDataObject

        public static byte[] encodePublicKeyDataObject​(String oid,
                                                       PublicKey publicKey,
                                                       boolean isContextKnown)
                                                throws InvalidKeyException
        Based on TR-SAC 1.01 4.5.1 and 4.5.2. For signing authentication token, not for sending to smart card.
        oid - object identifier
        publicKey - public key
        isContextKnown - whether context of public key is known to receiver (we will not include domain parameters in that case).
        encoded public key data object for signing as authentication token
        InvalidKeyException - when public key is not DH or EC
      • encodePublicKeyForSmartCard

        public static byte[] encodePublicKeyForSmartCard​(PublicKey publicKey)
                                                  throws InvalidKeyException
        Write uncompressed coordinates (for EC) or public value (DH).
        publicKey - public key
        encoding for smart card
        InvalidKeyException - if the key type is not EC or DH
      • decodePublicKeyFromSmartCard

        public static PublicKey decodePublicKeyFromSmartCard​(byte[] encodedPublicKey,
                                                             AlgorithmParameterSpec params)
        Decodes a public key received from the PICC.
        encodedPublicKey - the encoded public key that was received
        params - the parameters used for interpreting the public key
        the decoded public key object