All Classes and Interfaces

A filter that is triggered each time that the state of a Job has changed (except when the Job is deleted via the Dashboard).
Provides static methods for creating fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring jobs as well as to delete existing background jobs.
Provides static methods for creating fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring jobs as well as to delete existing background jobs.
This class allows to configure the BackgroundJobServer
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Class to be only used on startup to load all resources (SQL migrations and noSQL migrations) from the classpath.
Class responsible for resolving ConcurrentJobModificationExceptions.
Schedule class represents a parsed crontab expression.
Default implementation of ConcurrentJobModificationPolicy.
Default implementation of ConcurrentJobModificationResolver.
Serializer for Duration type.
A filter that is triggered each time that the state of a Job is changed (except when the Job is deleted via the Dashboard).
This is a functional interface which represents a lambda that will be parsed by JobRunr.
This is a functional interface which allows you to schedule jobs based on a Stream and a lambda that will be parsed by JobRunr.
Allows to add a specific name to a job that will be used in the dashboard as well as extra jobFilters that will be used for the job.
Defines the job with its JobDetails, History and Job Metadata.
This class is used to build a Job using a job lambda or a .
A filter that is triggered each time that a Job is about to be created (before it is saved to the StorageProvider) has been created (after it has been saved in the StorageProvider
The JobContext class gives access to the Job id, the Job name, the state, ...
Class which represents the Id of the job.
This is a functional interface which represents a lambda that will be parsed by JobRunr.
This is a functional interface which allows you to schedule jobs based on a Stream and a lambda that will be parsed by JobRunr.
Classes implementing this interface can be used to enqueue a JobRunr Job and will be used as the argument for the actual JobRequestHandler.
Classes implementing this interface will handle the actual JobRequest.
Provides methods for creating fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring jobs as well as to delete existing background jobs.
This class provides the entry point for the JobRunr configuration.
The main class to configure JobRunr
Provides a dashboard which gives insights in your jobs and servers.
This class allows to configure the JobRunrDashboard
A wrapper around a Micrometer MeterRegistry that allows to integrate Micrometer with JobRunr.
Provides methods for creating fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring jobs as well as to delete existing background jobs.
A filter that is triggered each time that: a Job starts processing a Job has been processed a Job succeeds a Job fails a Job fails after all retries are exhausted
Class which takes JobStats and extends them with estimations on how long the work will take based on previous JobStats.
JsonMapper that will transform Jobs (and their JobParameters) to Json and back for both storage in the database and for use in the dashboard.
Class that can be used in tests to set the JobContext for a JobRequestHandler.
This class is used to build a RecurringJob using a job lambda or a .
A JobFilter of type ElectStateFilter that will retry the job if it fails for up to 10 times with an exponential back-off policy.
Disclaimer: taken from here with some modifications
The StorageProvider allows to store, retrieve and delete background jobs.
Marker interface for listeners to JobStorage changes
Is not used anymore in StorageProviders and will be removed
A new implementation of ConcurrentJobModificationResolver that will always use the latest version of the job found in the database (SQL or NoSQL).
A new policy of ConcurrentJobModificationPolicy that will always use the latest version of the job found in the database (SQL or NoSQL) in case of a concurrent job modification exception.
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