Class InterceptingExecutableInvoker


@API(status=INTERNAL, since="5.0") public class InterceptingExecutableInvoker extends Object
InterceptingExecutableInvoker encapsulates the invocation of a Executable (i.e., method or constructor), including support for dynamic resolution of method parameters via ParameterResolvers.
  • Constructor Details

    • InterceptingExecutableInvoker

      public InterceptingExecutableInvoker()
  • Method Details

    • invoke

      public <T> T invoke(Constructor<T> constructor, Optional<Object> outerInstance, org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext extensionContext, ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry, InterceptingExecutableInvoker.ReflectiveInterceptorCall<Constructor<T>,T> interceptorCall)
      Invoke the supplied constructor with the supplied outer instance and dynamic parameter resolution.
      constructor - the constructor to invoke and resolve parameters for
      outerInstance - the outer instance to supply as the first argument to the constructor; empty, for top-level classes
      extensionContext - the current ExtensionContext
      extensionRegistry - the ExtensionRegistry to retrieve ParameterResolvers from
      interceptorCall - the call for intercepting this constructor invocation via all registered interceptors
    • invoke

      public <T> T invoke(Method method, Object target, org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtensionContext extensionContext, ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry, InterceptingExecutableInvoker.ReflectiveInterceptorCall<Method,T> interceptorCall)
      Invoke the supplied method with dynamic parameter resolution.
      method - the method to invoke and resolve parameters for
      target - the target on which the executable will be invoked, potentially wrapped in an Optional; can be null or an empty Optional for a static method
      extensionContext - the current ExtensionContext
      extensionRegistry - the ExtensionRegistry to retrieve ParameterResolvers from
      interceptorCall - the call for intercepting this method invocation via all registered interceptors