Interface SamlDeployment.IDP.SingleSignOnService

All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface SamlDeployment.IDP.SingleSignOnService
  • Method Details

    • signRequest

      boolean signRequest()
      Returns true if the requests to IdP need to be signed by SP key.
      see dscription
    • validateResponseSignature

      boolean validateResponseSignature()
      Returns true if the complete response message from IdP should be checked for valid signature.
      see dscription
    • validateAssertionSignature

      boolean validateAssertionSignature()
      Returns true if individual assertions in response from IdP should be checked for valid signature.
      see dscription
    • getRequestBinding

      SamlDeployment.Binding getRequestBinding()
    • getResponseBinding

      SamlDeployment.Binding getResponseBinding()
      SAML allows the client to request what binding type it wants authn responses to use. The default is that the client will not request a specific binding type for responses.
    • getRequestBindingUrl

      String getRequestBindingUrl()
      Returns URL for the IDP login service that the client will send requests to.
    • getAssertionConsumerServiceUrl

      URI getAssertionConsumerServiceUrl()
      Returns URI where the IdP should send the responses to. The default is that the client will not request a specific assertion consumer service URL. This property is typically accompanied by the ProtocolBinding attribute.