



package typeBound

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Type Members

  1. trait TypeBoundFunction[TypeBound, Arg[_ <: TypeBound], ReturnVal[_ <: TypeBound]] extends WideningTypeBoundFunction[TypeBound, TypeBound, Arg, ReturnVal]


    a function with one type parameter, where both the argument and the return value are types with a single type parameter, bound to the type parameter of the function.

    a function with one type parameter, where both the argument and the return value are types with a single type parameter, bound to the type parameter of the function.


    the type bound to use for the argument and return value types


    the argument type


    the return value type

  2. class TypeBoundMap[TypeBound, Key[_ <: TypeBound], Val[_ <: TypeBound]] extends BaseTypeBoundMap[TypeBound, Key, Val]


    a map where the types for keys and values share a type parameter with the same bounds.

    a map where the types for keys and values share a type parameter with the same bounds. the key and value of each key/value pair are constrained to match on that type parameter. for example, we might have some pet stores that only cater to a single kind of pet:

    trait Pet
    case class Cat(name: String) extends Pet
    case class Dog(name: String) extends Pet
    class PetStore[P <: Pet]
    val catStore1 = new PetStore[Cat]
    val catStore2 = new PetStore[Cat]
    val dogStore1 = new PetStore[Dog]

    we can use a TypeBoundMap to store a list of pets of the appropriate type for every pet store:

    var inventories = TypeBoundMap[Pet, PetStore, List]
    inventories += (catStore1 -> List(Cat("cat11"), Cat("cat12"), Cat("cat13")))
    inventories += (catStore2 -> List(Cat("cat21")))
    inventories += (dogStore1 -> List(Dog("dog11"), Dog("dog12")))

    now we can look up pet lists by pet store, with everything coming back as the expected type:

    val cats1: List[Cat] = inventories(catStore1)
    cats1.size should be (3)
    val cats2: List[Cat] = inventories(catStore2)
    cats2.size should be (1)
    val dogs1: List[Dog] = inventories(dogStore1)
    dogs1.size should be (2)
    val cat: Cat = inventories(catStore1).head
    cat should equal (Cat("cat11"))
    val dog: Dog = inventories(dogStore1).head
    dog should equal (Dog("dog11"))

    note that the API does not provide ++ or similar methods to add multiple key/value pairs at a time, as each pair needs to be type-checked separately.

    (the code presented here is in TypeBoundMapSpec.scala, up at the top)


    the upper bound on the type parameters passed to the Key and Val types


    the parameterized type of the keys in the map


    the parameterized type of the values in the map

    See also

    TypeBoundMapSpec.scala and BaseTypeBoundMapSpec.scala for many more examples

  3. case class TypeBoundPair[TypeBound, A[_ <: TypeBound], B[_ <: TypeBound], TypeParam <: TypeBound](_1: A[TypeParam], _2: B[TypeParam]) extends Product with Serializable


    mimics a pair found in an ordinary map, but preserves the type parameter equality in the two elements of the pair

    mimics a pair found in an ordinary map, but preserves the type parameter equality in the two elements of the pair


    the upper bound on the type parameters passed into the A and B types of the two elements of this pair


    the parameterized type of the first element of this pair


    the parameterized type of the second element of this pair


    the type param binding both the A and B types of the two elements of this pair


    the first element of this type bound pair


    the second element of this type bound pair

  4. trait WideningTypeBoundFunction[TypeBound, WiderTypeBound >: TypeBound, Arg[_ <: TypeBound], ReturnVal[_ <: WiderTypeBound]] extends AnyRef


    like a TypeBoundFunction, except that the type bound for the return value is wider than the type bound for the argument.

    like a TypeBoundFunction, except that the type bound for the return value is wider than the type bound for the argument. This is useful for mapWiden and mapValuesWiden methods in TypeKeyMap and TypeBoundMap that return a map with a wider type bound than the original.


    the type bound to use for the argument type


    the type bound to use for the return value type


    the argument type


    the return value type

    See also


Value Members

  1. object TypeBoundMap

