



package ptype

Content Hierarchy
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Type Members

  1. case class Index[P] extends Product with Serializable


    an index for a persistent type

    an index for a persistent type


    the persistent type

  2. abstract class Key[P] extends AnyRef


    a natural key for this persistent type.

    a natural key for this persistent type. wraps a property that, given specific a property value, will match the corresponding member of no more than one persistent object.


    the persistent type

  3. case class Partition[P] extends Product with Serializable


    a series of properties that determines the partitioning used by the underlying database to distribute data across multiple nodes.

    a series of properties that determines the partitioning used by the underlying database to distribute data across multiple nodes. used to form a PartitionKey

  4. abstract class PartitionKey[P] extends Key[P]


    the partition key for this persistent type.

    the partition key for this persistent type. partition keys are used by the underlying database to partition data across multiple nodes of a distributed database.

    a persistent type can have zero or one primary keys.


    the persistent type

  5. class Prop[P, A] extends AnyRef


    a property for this persistent type.

    a property for this persistent type. properties map to underlying members within the [Persistent persistent object], at any depth.

    properties can be used to define keys and indexes, as well as for building queries. a property can descend from the root into child entities at any depth.

    at present, a property cannot pass through any collections or terminate with a polymorphic embeddable. violations will cause an exception to be thrown on DomainModel construction.

  6. class QueryDsl[P] extends AnyRef


    a DSL for creating queries.

    a DSL for creating queries. you can find it in your persistent type at PType.queryDsl
