

package scala

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Deserializers extends MongoConversionHelper

    Converters for reading Scala types from MongoDB

    Converters for reading Scala types from MongoDB

    These should be setup in a way which requires an explicit invocation / registration of individual deserializers, else unexpected behavior will occur.

    Because it's likely to be controversial, JodaDateTime is NOT mixed in by default.



  2. trait JodaDateTimeDeserializer extends MongoConversionHelper

  3. trait JodaDateTimeHelpers extends JodaDateTimeSerializer with JodaDateTimeDeserializer

  4. trait JodaDateTimeSerializer extends MongoConversionHelper

  5. trait JodaLocalDateTimeDeserializer extends MongoConversionHelper

  6. trait JodaLocalDateTimeHelpers extends JodaLocalDateTimeSerializer with JodaLocalDateTimeDeserializer

  7. trait JodaLocalDateTimeSerializer extends MongoConversionHelper

  8. trait OptionSerializer extends MongoConversionHelper

  9. trait ScalaCollectionSerializer extends MongoConversionHelper

    Implementation which is aware of the possible conversions in scalaj-collection and attempts to Leverage it.

    Implementation which is aware of the possible conversions in scalaj-collection and attempts to Leverage it... Not all of these may be serializable by Mongo However... this is a first pass attempt at moving them to Java types

  10. trait ScalaProductSerializer extends MongoConversionHelper

  11. trait ScalaRegexSerializer extends MongoConversionHelper

  12. trait Serializers extends MongoConversionHelper with ScalaRegexSerializer with ScalaCollectionSerializer with ScalaProductSerializer with OptionSerializer

    Converters for saving Scala types to MongoDB

    Converters for saving Scala types to MongoDB

    For the most part these are 'safe' to enable automatically, as they won't break existing code. Be very careful with the deserializers however as they can come with unexpected behavior.

    Because it's likely to be controversial, JodaDateTime is NOT mixed in by default.



Value Members

  1. object DeregisterJodaLocalDateTimeConversionHelpers extends JodaLocalDateTimeHelpers

  2. object DeregisterJodaTimeConversionHelpers extends JodaDateTimeHelpers

  3. object RegisterConversionHelpers extends Serializers with Deserializers

    " Register" Object, calls the registration methods.

    " Register" Object, calls the registration methods.

    By default does not include JodaDateTime as this may be undesired behavior. If you want JodaDateTime support, please use the RegisterJodaTimeConversionHelpers Object



    See also


  4. object RegisterJodaLocalDateTimeConversionHelpers extends JodaLocalDateTimeHelpers

  5. object RegisterJodaTimeConversionHelpers extends JodaDateTimeHelpers

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object DeregisterConversionHelpers extends Serializers with Deserializers

    "DeRegister" Object, calls the unregistration methods.

    "DeRegister" Object, calls the unregistration methods.


    (Since version 2.0)


