

trait MongoCollectionBase extends Logging

Scala wrapper for Mongo DBCollections, including ones which return custom DBObject subclasses via setObjectClass and the like. Provides any non-parameterized methods and the basic structure. Requires an underlying object of a DBCollection.

This is a rewrite of the Casbah 1.0 approach which was rather naive and unecessarily complex.... formerly was MongoCollectionWrapper

Self Type

2.0, 12/23/10



Linear Supertypes
Logging, AnyRef, Any
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. MongoCollectionBase
  2. Logging
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
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Type Members

  1. abstract type CursorType

  2. abstract type T <: Imports.DBObject

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def _newCursor(cursor: DBCursor): CursorType



    Utility method which concrete subclasses are expected to implement for creating a new instance of the correct cursor implementation from a Java cursor. Good with cursor calls that return a new cursor. Should figure out the right type to return based on typing setup.





  2. abstract def _newInstance(collection: DBCollection): MongoCollectionBase



    Utility method which concrete subclasses are expected to implement for creating a new instance of THIS concrete implementation from a Java collection. Good with calls that return a new collection.



  3. abstract def underlying: DBCollection

    The underlying Java Mongo Driver Collection object we proxy.

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def +=[A](x: A)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): WriteResult

    Save an object to the Collection

    Save an object to the Collection


    object to save to the collection

  5. def -=[A](x: A)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): WriteResult

    Remove a matching object from the collection

    Remove a matching object from the collection


    object to remove from the collection

  6. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  7. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  8. def _typedValue(dbObj: Imports.DBObject): Option[T]

  9. def addOption(option: Int): Unit

    Manipulate Network Options

    Manipulate Network Options

    See also



  10. def apply[A](jo: A, ensureID: Boolean)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): AnyRef

    Adds the "private" fields _id to an object.

    Adds the "private" fields _id to an object.


    object to which to add fields


    whether to add an _id field or not


    the modified object o

  11. def apply[A](o: A)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): AnyRef

    Adds the "private" fields _id to an object.

    Adds the "private" fields _id to an object.


    DBObject to which to add fields


    the modified parameter object

  12. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  13. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
  14. def collection(n: String): MongoCollection

    Find a collection that is prefixed with this collection's name.

    Find a collection that is prefixed with this collection's name. A typical use of this might be

       DBCollection users = mongo.getCollection( "wiki" ).getCollection( "users" );
    Which is equilalent to
    DBCollection users = mongo.getCollection( "wiki.users" );


    the name of the collection to find


    the matching collection

    TODO - Make this support type construction

  15. def count[A, B](query: A, fields: B, limit: Long, skip: Long, readPrefs: Imports.ReadPreference)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, arg1: (B) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Long

  16. def createIndex[A, B](keys: A, options: B)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, arg1: (B) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Unit

  17. def createIndex[A](keys: A)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Unit

    Forces creation of an index on a set of fields, if one does not already exist.

    Forces creation of an index on a set of fields, if one does not already exist.


    an object with a key set of the fields desired for the index

  18. def customDecoderFactory: Option[DBDecoderFactory]

  19. def customEncoderFactory: Option[DBEncoderFactory]

  20. implicit val db: MongoDB

    Returns the database this collection is a member of.

    Returns the database this collection is a member of.


    this collection's database

  21. def distinct[A](key: String, query: A, readPrefs: Imports.ReadPreference)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Buffer[_]

    find distinct values for a key

    find distinct values for a key


    query to apply on collection

  22. def drop(): Unit

    Drops (deletes) this collection

  23. def dropCollection(): Unit

    Drops (deletes) this collection

  24. def dropIndex(name: String): Unit

  25. def dropIndex[A](keys: A)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Unit

  26. def dropIndexes(name: String): Unit

  27. def dropIndexes(): Unit

    Drops all indices from this collection

  28. def ensureIndex(fieldName: String): Unit

    Ensures an index on this collection (that is, the index will be created if it does not exist).

    Ensures an index on this collection (that is, the index will be created if it does not exist). ensureIndex is optimized and is inexpensive if the index already exists. This creates an ascending index on a particular field.

  29. def ensureIndex[A](keys: A, name: String, unique: Boolean)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Unit

    Ensures an optionally unique index on this collection.

    Ensures an optionally unique index on this collection.


    fields to use for index


    an identifier for the index


    if the index should be unique

  30. def ensureIndex[A](keys: A, name: String)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Unit

    Ensures an index on this collection (that is, the index will be created if it does not exist).

    Ensures an index on this collection (that is, the index will be created if it does not exist). ensureIndex is optimized and is inexpensive if the index already exists.


    fields to use for index


    an identifier for the index

  31. def ensureIndex[A, B](keys: A, options: B)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, arg1: (B) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Unit

    Ensures an index on this collection (that is, the index will be created if it does not exist).

    Ensures an index on this collection (that is, the index will be created if it does not exist). ensureIndex is optimized and is inexpensive if the index already exists.


    fields to use for index


    options for the index (name, unique, etc)

  32. def ensureIndex[A](keys: A)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Unit

    Creates an index on a set of fields, if one does not already exist.

    Creates an index on a set of fields, if one does not already exist.


    an object with a key set of the fields desired for the index

  33. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  34. def equals(obj: Any): Boolean

    Checks if this collection is equal to another object.

    Checks if this collection is equal to another object.


    if the two collections are the same object

    Definition Classes
    MongoCollectionBase → AnyRef → Any
  35. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  36. def find[A, B](ref: A, fields: B, numToSkip: Int, batchSize: Int)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, arg1: (B) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): CursorType

    Finds an object.

    Finds an object.


    query used to search


    the fields of matching objects to return


    will not return the first numToSkip matches


    if positive, is the # of objects per batch sent back from the db. all objects that match will be returned. if batchSize < 0, its a hard limit, and only 1 batch will either batchSize or the # that fit in a batch


    the objects, if found

  37. def find[A, B](ref: A, keys: B)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, arg1: (B) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): CursorType

    Queries for an object in this collection.

    Queries for an object in this collection.

    An empty DBObject will match every document in the collection. Regardless of fields specified, the _id fields are always returned.

    An example that returns the "x" and "_id" fields for every document in the collection that has an "x" field:

    BasicDBObject keys = new BasicDBObject();
    keys.put("x", 1);
    DBCursor cursor = collection.find(new BasicDBObject(), keys);


    object for which to search


    fields to return


    a cursor to iterate over results

  38. def find[A](ref: A)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): CursorType

    Queries for an object in this collection.

    Queries for an object in this collection.


    object for which to search


    an iterator over the results

  39. def find(): CursorType

    Queries for all objects in this collection.

    Queries for all objects in this collection.


    a cursor which will iterate over every object

  40. def findAndModify[A, B, C, D](query: A, fields: B, sort: C, remove: Boolean, update: D, returnNew: Boolean, upsert: Boolean)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, arg1: (B) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, arg2: (C) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, arg3: (D) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Option[T]

    Finds the first document in the query and updates it.

    Finds the first document in the query and updates it.


    the old document

  41. def findAndModify[A, B, C](query: A, sort: B, update: C)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, arg1: (B) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, arg2: (C) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Option[T]

    Finds the first document in the query (sorted) and updates it.

    Finds the first document in the query (sorted) and updates it.


    the old document

  42. def findAndModify[A, B](query: A, update: B)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, arg1: (B) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Option[T]

    Finds the first document in the query (sorted) and updates it.

    Finds the first document in the query (sorted) and updates it. If remove is specified it will be removed. If new is specified then the updated document will be returned, otherwise the old document is returned (or it would be lost forever). You can also specify the fields to return in the document, optionally.


    (Option[T]) of the the found document (before, or after the update)

  43. def findAndRemove[A](query: A)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Option[T]

    Finds the first document in the query and removes it.

    Finds the first document in the query and removes it.


    the removed document

  44. def findOne[A, B](o: A, fields: B, readPrefs: Imports.ReadPreference)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, arg1: (B) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Option[T]

    Returns a single object from this collection matching the query.

    Returns a single object from this collection matching the query.


    the query object


    fields to return


    (Option[T]) Some() of the object found, or None if no such object exists

  45. def findOne[A](o: A)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Option[T]

    Returns a single object from this collection matching the query.

    Returns a single object from this collection matching the query.


    the query object


    (Option[T]) Some() of the object found, or None if no such object exists

  46. def findOne(): Option[T]

    Returns a single object from this collection.

    Returns a single object from this collection.


    (Option[T]) Some() of the object found, or None if this collection is empty

  47. def findOneByID[B](id: AnyRef, fields: B)(implicit arg0: (B) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Option[T]

    Find an object by its ID.

    Find an object by its ID. Finds an object by its id. This compares the passed in value to the _id field of the document.

    Returns a single object from this collection matching the query.


    the id to match


    fields to return


    (Option[T]) Some() of the object found, or None if no such object exists

  48. def findOneByID(id: AnyRef): Option[T]

    Find an object by its ID.

    Find an object by its ID. Finds an object by its id. This compares the passed in value to the _id field of the document.

    Returns a single object from this collection matching the query.


    the id to match


    (Option[T]) Some() of the object found, or None if no such object exists

  49. def fullName: String

    Returns the full name of this collection, with the database name as a prefix.

    Returns the full name of this collection, with the database name as a prefix.


    the name of this collection

  50. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  51. def getCollection(n: String): MongoCollection

    Find a collection that is prefixed with this collection's name.

    Find a collection that is prefixed with this collection's name. A typical use of this might be

       DBCollection users = mongo.getCollection( "wiki" ).getCollection( "users" );
    Which is equilalent to
    DBCollection users = mongo.getCollection( "wiki.users" );


    the name of the collection to find


    the matching collection

    TODO - Make this support type construction

  52. def getCount[A, B](query: A, fields: B, limit: Long, skip: Long, readPrefs: Imports.ReadPreference)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, arg1: (B) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Long

    Returns the number of documents in the collection that match the specified query

    Returns the number of documents in the collection that match the specified query


    query to select documents to count


    fields to return


    Max # of fields


    # of fields to skip


    number of documents that match query and fields

  53. def getDB(): MongoDB

    Returns the database this collection is a member of.

    Returns the database this collection is a member of.


    this collection's database

  54. def getFullName(): String

    Returns the full name of this collection, with the database name as a prefix.

    Returns the full name of this collection, with the database name as a prefix.


    the name of this collection

  55. def getIndexInfo(): Buffer[DBObject]

    Return a list of the indexes for this collection.

    Return a list of the indexes for this collection. Each object in the list is the "info document" from MongoDB


    list of index documents

  56. def getLastError(w: Int, wTimeout: Int, fsync: Boolean): CommandResult

  57. def getLastError(concern: Imports.WriteConcern): CommandResult

  58. def getLastError(): CommandResult

    Gets the the error (if there is one) from the previous operation.

    Gets the the error (if there is one) from the previous operation. The result of this command will look like

    { "err" :  errorMessage  , "ok" : 1.0 }

    The value for errorMessage will be null if no error occurred, or a description otherwise.

    Care must be taken to ensure that calls to getLastError go to the same connection as that of the previous operation. See com.mongodb.Mongo.requestStart for more information.


    DBObject with error and status information

  59. def getName(): String

  60. def getObjectClass(): Class[_]

    Gets the default class for objects in the collection

    Gets the default class for objects in the collection


    the class

  61. def getOptions(): Int

    Manipulate Network Options

    Manipulate Network Options

    See also



  62. def getReadPreference: ReadPreference

    Gets the read preference for this collection.

    Gets the read preference for this collection. Will be used as default for reads from any collection in this collection. See the documentation for ReadPreference for more information.

  63. def getStats(): CommandResult

  64. def getWriteConcern: WriteConcern

    get the write concern for this database, which is used for writes to any collection in this database.

    get the write concern for this database, which is used for writes to any collection in this database. See the documentation for com.mongodb.WriteConcern for more info.

    See also


  65. def group[A, B, C](key: A, cond: B, initial: C, reduce: String, finalize: String, readPrefs: Imports.ReadPreference)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, arg1: (B) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, arg2: (C) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Iterable[T]

    Enables you to call group with the finalize parameter (a function that runs on each row of the output for calculations before sending a return) which the Mongo Java driver does not yet support, by sending a direct DBObject command.

    Enables you to call group with the finalize parameter (a function that runs on each row of the output for calculations before sending a return) which the Mongo Java driver does not yet support, by sending a direct DBObject command. Messy, but it works.

  66. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    MongoCollectionBase → AnyRef → Any
  67. def hintFields_=[A](docs: List[A])(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Unit

    Set hint fields for this collection.

  68. def indexInfo: Buffer[DBObject]

    Return a list of the indexes for this collection.

    Return a list of the indexes for this collection. Each object in the list is the "info document" from MongoDB


    list of index documents

  69. def insert[A](docs: A*)(implicit dbObjView: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, concern: WriteConcern, encoder: Imports.DBEncoder): Imports.WriteResult

    Saves document(s) to the database.

    Saves document(s) to the database. if doc doesn't have an _id, one will be added you can get the _id that was added from doc after the insert

  70. def insert[A](doc: A, concern: WriteConcern)(implicit dbObjView: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Imports.WriteResult

    Saves document(s) to the database.

    Saves document(s) to the database. if doc doesn't have an _id, one will be added you can get the _id that was added from doc after the insert

  71. def internalClass_=(path: String, c: Class[_]): Unit

  72. def isCapped: Boolean

  73. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  74. def iterator: CursorType

  75. def lastError(w: Int, wTimeout: Int, fsync: Boolean): CommandResult

  76. def lastError(concern: Imports.WriteConcern): CommandResult

  77. def lastError(): CommandResult

  78. var log: Logger

    Definition Classes
  79. def mapReduce(cmd: map_reduce.MapReduceCommand): MapReduceResult

  80. def mapReduce(mapFunction: Imports.JSFunction, reduceFunction: Imports.JSFunction, output: Imports.MapReduceOutputTarget, query: Option[Imports.DBObject] = None, sort: Option[Imports.DBObject] = None, limit: Option[Int] = None, finalizeFunction: Option[Imports.JSFunction] = None, jsScope: Option[String] = None, verbose: Boolean = false): MapReduceResult

    mapReduce Execute a mapReduce against this collection.

    mapReduce Execute a mapReduce against this collection. NOTE: JSFunction is just a type alias for String


    (JSFunction) The JavaScript to execute for the map function


    (JSFunction) The JavaScript to execute for the reduce function

  81. def name: String

  82. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  83. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  84. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  85. def objectClass: Class[_]

    Gets the default class for objects in the collection

    Gets the default class for objects in the collection


    the class

  86. def objectClass_=[A <: Imports.DBObject](c: Class[A])(implicit arg0: Manifest[A]): MongoGenericTypedCollection[A]



    Set a subtype of DBObject which will be used to deserialize documents returned from MongoDB.

    This method will return a new MongoTypedCollection[A] which you should capture if you want explicit casting. Else, this collection will instantiate instances of A but cast them to the current T (DBObject if you have a generic collection)


    A Subtype of DBObject



  87. def options: Int

    Manipulate Network Options

    Manipulate Network Options

    See also



  88. def readPreference: ReadPreference

    Gets the read preference for this collection.

    Gets the read preference for this collection. Will be used as default for reads from any collection in this collection. See the documentation for ReadPreference for more information.

  89. def readPreference_=(pref: Imports.ReadPreference): Unit

    Sets the read preference for this collection.

    Sets the read preference for this collection. Will be used as default for reads from any collection in this collection. See the documentation for ReadPreference for more information.

  90. def remove[A](o: A, concern: WriteConcern)(implicit dbObjView: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, encoder: Imports.DBEncoder): WriteResult

    Removes objects from the database collection.

    Removes objects from the database collection.


    the object that documents to be removed must match


    WriteConcern for this operation TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?

  91. def rename(newName: String, dropTarget: Boolean): MongoCollection

    does a rename of this collection to newName As per the Java API this returns a *NEW* Collection, and the old collection is probably no good anymore.

    does a rename of this collection to newName As per the Java API this returns a *NEW* Collection, and the old collection is probably no good anymore.

    This collection *WILL NOT* mutate --- the instance will still point at a now nonexistant collection with the old name ... You must capture the return value for the new instance.


    new collection name (not a full namespace)


    if a collection with the new name exists, whether or not to drop it


    the new collection

  92. def rename(newName: String): MongoCollection

    does a rename of this collection to newName As per the Java API this returns a *NEW* Collection, and the old collection is probably no good anymore.

    does a rename of this collection to newName As per the Java API this returns a *NEW* Collection, and the old collection is probably no good anymore.

    This collection *WILL NOT* mutate --- the instance will still point at a now nonexistant collection with the old name ... You must capture the return value for the new instance.


    new collection name (not a full namespace)


    the new collection

  93. def request(writeConcern: Imports.WriteConcern)(op: (MongoCollectionBase.this.type) ⇒ Imports.WriteResult): Unit

    write concern aware write op block.

    write concern aware write op block.

    Checks getLastError after the last write. If you run multiple ops you'll only get the final error.

    Your op function gets a copy of this MongoDB instance.

    This is for write ops only - you cannot return data from it.

    Your function must return WriteResult, which is the return type of any mongo write operation like insert/save/update/remove

    Exceptions thrown

  94. def request(w: Int, wTimeout: Int = 0, fsync: Boolean = false)(op: (MongoCollectionBase.this.type) ⇒ Imports.WriteResult): Unit

    write concern aware write op block.

    write concern aware write op block.

    Checks getLastError after the last write. If you run multiple ops you'll only get the final error.

    Your op function gets a copy of this MongoDB instance.

    This is for write ops only - you cannot return data from it.

    Your function must return WriteResult, which is the return type of any mongo write operation like insert/save/update/remove

    Exceptions thrown

  95. def request(op: (MongoCollectionBase.this.type) ⇒ Imports.WriteResult): Unit

    write concern aware write op block.

    write concern aware write op block.

    Checks getLastError after the last write. If you run multiple ops you'll only get the final error.

    Your op function gets a copy of this MongoDB instance.

    This is for write ops only - you cannot return data from it.

    Your function must return WriteResult, which is the return type of any mongo write operation like insert/save/update/remove

    If you have set a connection or DB level WriteConcern, it will be inherited.

    Exceptions thrown

  96. def resetIndexCache(): Unit

    Clears all indices that have not yet been applied to this collection.

  97. def resetOptions(): Unit

    Manipulate Network Options

    Manipulate Network Options

    See also



  98. def save[A](o: A, concern: WriteConcern)(implicit dbObjView: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): WriteResult

    Saves an object to this collection.

    Saves an object to this collection.


    the DBObject to save will add _id field to o if needed TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?

  99. def setHintFields[A](docs: List[A])(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): Unit

    Set hint fields for this collection.

  100. def setInternalClass(path: String, c: Class[_]): Unit

  101. def setObjectClass[A <: Imports.DBObject](c: Class[A])(implicit arg0: Manifest[A]): MongoGenericTypedCollection[A]



    Set a subtype of DBObject which will be used to deserialize documents returned from MongoDB.

    This method will return a new MongoTypedCollection[A] which you should capture if you want explicit casting. Else, this collection will instantiate instances of A but cast them to the current T (DBObject if you have a generic collection)


    A Subtype of DBObject

    TODO - Ensure proper subtype return



  102. def setReadPreference(pref: Imports.ReadPreference): Unit

    Sets the read preference for this collection.

    Sets the read preference for this collection. Will be used as default for reads from any collection in this collection. See the documentation for ReadPreference for more information.

  103. def setWriteConcern(concern: Imports.WriteConcern): Unit

    Set the write concern for this database.

    Set the write concern for this database. Will be used for writes to any collection in this database. See the documentation for com.mongodb.WriteConcern for more info.


    (WriteConcern) The write concern to use

    See also


  104. def stats: CommandResult

  105. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  106. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    MongoCollectionBase → AnyRef → Any
  107. def update[A, B](q: A, o: B, upsert: Boolean, multi: Boolean, concern: WriteConcern)(implicit queryView: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, objView: (B) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, encoder: Imports.DBEncoder): WriteResult

    Performs an update operation.

    Performs an update operation.


    search query for old object to update


    object with which to update q TODO - Wrapper for WriteResult?

  108. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  109. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
  110. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
  111. def writeConcern: WriteConcern

    get the write concern for this database, which is used for writes to any collection in this database.

    get the write concern for this database, which is used for writes to any collection in this database. See the documentation for com.mongodb.WriteConcern for more info.

    See also


  112. def writeConcern_=(concern: Imports.WriteConcern): Unit

    Set the write concern for this database.

    Set the write concern for this database. Will be used for writes to any collection in this database. See the documentation for com.mongodb.WriteConcern for more info.


    (WriteConcern) The write concern to use

    See also


Deprecated Value Members

  1. def slaveOk(): Unit

    Sets queries to be OK to run on slave nodes.

    Sets queries to be OK to run on slave nodes.


    (Since version 2.3.0) Replaced with ReadPreference.SECONDARY

  2. def updateMulti[A, B](q: A, o: B)(implicit arg0: (A) ⇒ Imports.DBObject, arg1: (B) ⇒ Imports.DBObject): WriteResult

    Perform a multi update

    Perform a multi update


    search query for old object to update


    object with which to update q


    (Since version 2.3.0) In the face of default arguments this is a bit silly. Please use update(multi=True)

Inherited from Logging

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
