

trait Observable[+T] extends AnyRef

Asynchronous implementation of the Observable interface

Self Type
Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
Known Subclasses
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  2. By inheritance
  1. Observable
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Abstract Value Members

  1. implicit abstract def scheduler: Scheduler

    Implicit scheduler required for asynchronous boundaries.

  2. abstract def subscribeFn(observer: Observer[T]): Unit

    Characteristic function for an Observable instance, that creates the subscription and that starts the stream, being meant to be overridden in custom combinators or in classes implementing Observable.

    Characteristic function for an Observable instance, that creates the subscription and that starts the stream, being meant to be overridden in custom combinators or in classes implementing Observable.


    is an Observer on which onNext, onComplete and onError happens, according to the Monifu Rx contract.


Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. def ++[U >: T](other: ⇒ Observable[U]): Observable[U]

    Concatenates the source Observable with the other Observable, as specified.

  5. def +:[U >: T](elem: U): Observable[U]

    Creates a new Observable that emits the given element and then it also emits the events of the source (prepend operation).

  6. def :+[U >: T](elem: U): Observable[U]

    Creates a new Observable that emits the events of the source and then it also emits the given element (appended to the stream).

  7. final def ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  8. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  9. def asFuture: Future[Option[T]]

    Returns the first generated result as a Future and then cancels the subscription.

  10. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  11. def async(policy: BufferPolicy = BackPressured(bufferSize = 4096)): Observable[T]

    Forces a buffered asynchronous boundary.

    Forces a buffered asynchronous boundary.

    Internally it wraps the observer implementation given to subscribeFn into a BufferedObserver.

    Normally Monifu's implementation guarantees that events are not emitted concurrently, and that the publisher MUST NOT emit the next event without acknowledgement from the consumer that it may proceed, however for badly behaved publishers, this wrapper provides the guarantee that the downstream Observer given in subscribe will not receive concurrent events.

    Compared with concurrent / ConcurrentObserver, the acknowledgement given by BufferedObserver can be synchronous (i.e. the Future[Ack] is already completed), so the publisher can send the next event without waiting for the consumer to receive and process the previous event (i.e. the data source will receive the Continue acknowledgement once the event has been buffered, not when it has been received by its destination).

    WARNING: if the buffer created by this operator is unbounded, it can blow up the process if the data source is pushing events faster than what the observer can consume, as it introduces an asynchronous boundary that eliminates the back-pressure requirements of the data source. Unbounded is the default policy, see BufferPolicy for options.

  12. def behavior[U >: T](initialValue: U): ConnectableObservable[U]

    Converts this observable into a multicast observable, useful for turning a cold observable into a hot one (i.

    Converts this observable into a multicast observable, useful for turning a cold observable into a hot one (i.e. whose source is shared by all observers). The underlying subject used is a BehaviorSubject.

  13. def buffer(timespan: FiniteDuration): Observable[Seq[T]]

    Periodically gather items emitted by an Observable into bundles and emit these bundles rather than emitting the items one at a time.

    Periodically gather items emitted by an Observable into bundles and emit these bundles rather than emitting the items one at a time.

    This version of buffer emits a new bundle of items periodically, every timespan amount of time, containing all items emitted by the source Observable since the previous bundle emission.


    the interval of time at which it should emit the buffered bundle

  14. def buffer(count: Int): Observable[Seq[T]]

    Periodically gather items emitted by an Observable into bundles and emit these bundles rather than emitting the items one at a time.

    Periodically gather items emitted by an Observable into bundles and emit these bundles rather than emitting the items one at a time.


    the bundle size

  15. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  16. def complete: Observable[Nothing]

    Returns an Observable that doesn't emit anything, but that completes when the source Observable completes.

  17. def concat[U](implicit ev: <:<[T, Observable[U]]): Observable[U]

    Concatenates the sequence of Observables emitted by the source into one Observable, without any transformation.

    Concatenates the sequence of Observables emitted by the source into one Observable, without any transformation.

    You can combine the items emitted by multiple Observables so that they act like a single Observable by using this method.

    The difference between concat and merge is that concat cares about ordering of emitted items (e.g. all items emitted by the first observable in the sequence will come before the elements emitted by the second observable), whereas merge doesn't care about that (elements get emitted as they come). Because of back-pressure applied to observables, concat is safe to use in all contexts, whereas merge requires buffering.


    an Observable that emits items that are the result of flattening the items emitted by the Observables emitted by this

  18. def concatMap[U](f: (T) ⇒ Observable[U]): Observable[U]

    Creates a new Observable by applying a function that you supply to each item emitted by the source Observable, where that function returns an Observable, and then concatenating those resulting Observables and emitting the results of this concatenation.

    Creates a new Observable by applying a function that you supply to each item emitted by the source Observable, where that function returns an Observable, and then concatenating those resulting Observables and emitting the results of this concatenation.


    a function that, when applied to an item emitted by the source Observable, returns an Observable


    an Observable that emits the result of applying the transformation function to each item emitted by the source Observable and concatenating the results of the Observables obtained from this transformation.

  19. def concurrent: Observable[T]

    Wraps the observer implementation given to subscribeFn into a ConcurrentObserver.

    Wraps the observer implementation given to subscribeFn into a ConcurrentObserver.

    Normally Monifu's implementation guarantees that events are not emitted concurrently, and that the publisher MUST NOT emit the next event without acknowledgement from the consumer that it may proceed, however for badly behaved publishers, this wrapper provides the guarantee that the downstream Observer given in subscribe will not receive concurrent events, also making it thread-safe.

    WARNING: the buffer created by this operator is unbounded and can blow up the process if the data source is pushing events without following the back-pressure requirements and faster than what the destination consumer can consume. On the other hand, if the data-source does follow the back-pressure contract, than this is safe. For data sources that cannot respect the back-pressure requirements and are problematic, see async and BufferPolicy for options.

  20. def distinct[U](fn: (T) ⇒ U): Observable[T]

    Given a function that returns a key for each element emitted by the source Observable, suppress duplicates items.

    Given a function that returns a key for each element emitted by the source Observable, suppress duplicates items.

    WARNING: this requires unbounded buffering.

  21. def distinct: Observable[T]

    Suppress the duplicate elements emitted by the source Observable.

    Suppress the duplicate elements emitted by the source Observable.

    WARNING: this requires unbounded buffering.

  22. def distinctUntilChanged[U](fn: (T) ⇒ U): Observable[T]

    Suppress duplicate consecutive items emitted by the source Observable

  23. def distinctUntilChanged: Observable[T]

    Suppress duplicate consecutive items emitted by the source Observable

  24. def doOnComplete(cb: ⇒ Unit): Observable[T]

    Executes the given callback when the stream has ended (after the event was already emitted).

    Executes the given callback when the stream has ended (after the event was already emitted).

    NOTE: protect the callback such that it doesn't throw exceptions, because it gets executed after onComplete() happens and by definition the error cannot be streamed with onError().


    the callback to execute when the subscription is canceled

  25. def doOnStart(cb: (T) ⇒ Unit): Observable[T]

    Executes the given callback only for the first element generated by the source Observable, useful for doing a piece of computation only when the stream started.

    Executes the given callback only for the first element generated by the source Observable, useful for doing a piece of computation only when the stream started.


    a new Observable that executes the specified callback only for the first element

  26. def doWork(cb: (T) ⇒ Unit): Observable[T]

    Executes the given callback for each element generated by the source Observable, useful for doing side-effects.

    Executes the given callback for each element generated by the source Observable, useful for doing side-effects.


    a new Observable that executes the specified callback for each element

  27. def drop(n: Int): Observable[T]

    Drops the first n elements (from the start).

    Drops the first n elements (from the start).


    the number of elements to drop


    a new Observable that drops the first n elements emitted by the source

  28. def drop(timespan: FiniteDuration): Observable[T]

    Creates a new Observable that drops the events of the source, only for the specified timestamp window.

    Creates a new Observable that drops the events of the source, only for the specified timestamp window.


    the window of time during which the new Observable is must drop the events emitted by the source

  29. def dropWhile(p: (T) ⇒ Boolean): Observable[T]

    Drops the longest prefix of elements that satisfy the given predicate and returns a new Observable that emits the rest.

  30. def dump(prefix: String): Observable[T]

    Utility that can be used for debugging purposes.

  31. def endWith[U >: T](elems: U*): Observable[U]

    Creates a new Observable that emits the events of the source and then it also emits the given elements (appended to the stream).

  32. def endWithError(error: Throwable): Observable[T]

    Emits the given exception instead of onComplete.

    Emits the given exception instead of onComplete.


    the exception to emit onComplete


    a new Observable that emits an exception onComplete

  33. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  34. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  35. def error: Observable[Throwable]

    Returns an Observable that emits a single Throwable, in case an error was thrown by the source Observable, otherwise it isn't going to emit anything.

  36. def exists(p: (T) ⇒ Boolean): Observable[Boolean]

    Returns an Observable which emits a single value, either true, in case the given predicate holds for at least one item, or false otherwise.

    Returns an Observable which emits a single value, either true, in case the given predicate holds for at least one item, or false otherwise.


    a function that evaluates the items emitted by the source Observable, returning true if they pass the filter


    an Observable that emits only true or false in case the given predicate holds or not for at least one item

  37. def filter(p: (T) ⇒ Boolean): Observable[T]

    Returns an Observable which only emits those items for which the given predicate holds.

    Returns an Observable which only emits those items for which the given predicate holds.


    a function that evaluates the items emitted by the source Observable, returning true if they pass the filter


    an Observable that emits only those items in the original Observable for which the filter evaluates as true

  38. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  39. def find(p: (T) ⇒ Boolean): Observable[T]

    Returns an Observable which only emits the first item for which the predicate holds.

    Returns an Observable which only emits the first item for which the predicate holds.


    a function that evaluates the items emitted by the source Observable, returning true if they pass the filter


    an Observable that emits only the first item in the original Observable for which the filter evaluates as true

  40. def firstOrElse[U >: T](default: ⇒ U): Observable[U]

    Emits the first element emitted by the source, or otherwise if the source is completed without emitting anything, then the default is emitted.

    Emits the first element emitted by the source, or otherwise if the source is completed without emitting anything, then the default is emitted.

    Alias for headOrElse.

  41. def flatMap[U](f: (T) ⇒ Observable[U]): Observable[U]

    Creates a new Observable by applying a function that you supply to each item emitted by the source Observable, where that function returns an Observable, and then concatenating those resulting Observables and emitting the results of this concatenation.

    Creates a new Observable by applying a function that you supply to each item emitted by the source Observable, where that function returns an Observable, and then concatenating those resulting Observables and emitting the results of this concatenation.


    a function that, when applied to an item emitted by the source Observable, returns an Observable


    an Observable that emits the result of applying the transformation function to each item emitted by the source Observable and concatenating the results of the Observables obtained from this transformation.

  42. def flatScan[R](initial: R)(op: (R, T) ⇒ Observable[R]): Observable[R]

    Given a start value (a seed) and a function taking the current state (starting with the seed) and the currently emitted item and returning a new state value as a Future, it returns a new Observable that applies the given function to all emitted items, emitting the produced state along the way.

    Given a start value (a seed) and a function taking the current state (starting with the seed) and the currently emitted item and returning a new state value as a Future, it returns a new Observable that applies the given function to all emitted items, emitting the produced state along the way.

    This operator is to scan what flatMap is to map.


    // dumb long running function, returning a Future result
    def sumUp(x: Long, y: Int) = Future(x + y)
    Observable.range(0, 10).flatScan(0L)(sumUp).dump("FlatScan").subscribe()
    //=> 0: FlatScan-->0
    //=> 1: FlatScan-->1
    //=> 2: FlatScan-->3
    //=> 3: FlatScan-->6
    //=> 4: FlatScan-->10
    //=> 5: FlatScan-->15
    //=> 6: FlatScan-->21
    //=> 7: FlatScan-->28
    //=> 8: FlatScan-->36
    //=> 9: FlatScan-->45
    //=> 10: FlatScan completed

    NOTE that it does back-pressure and the state produced by this function is emitted in order of the original input. This is the equivalent of concatMap and NOT mergeMap (a mergeScan wouldn't make sense anyway).

  43. def flatten[U](implicit ev: <:<[T, Observable[U]]): Observable[U]

    Flattens the sequence of Observables emitted by the source into one Observable, without any transformation.

    Flattens the sequence of Observables emitted by the source into one Observable, without any transformation.

    You can combine the items emitted by multiple Observables so that they act like a single Observable by using this method.

    This operation is only available if this is of type Observable[Observable[B]] for some B, otherwise you'll get a compilation error.


    an Observable that emits items that are the result of flattening the items emitted by the Observables emitted by this

  44. def foldLeft[R](initial: R)(op: (R, T) ⇒ R): Observable[R]

    Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements of this Observable, going left to right and returns a new Observable that emits only one item before onComplete.

  45. def forAll(p: (T) ⇒ Boolean): Observable[Boolean]

    Returns an Observable that emits a single boolean, either true, in case the given predicate holds for all the items emitted by the source, or false in case at least one item is not verifying the given predicate.

    Returns an Observable that emits a single boolean, either true, in case the given predicate holds for all the items emitted by the source, or false in case at least one item is not verifying the given predicate.


    a function that evaluates the items emitted by the source Observable, returning true if they pass the filter


    an Observable that emits only true or false in case the given predicate holds or not for all the items

  46. def foreach(cb: (T) ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Subscribes to the source Observable and foreach element emitted by the source it executes the given callback.

  47. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  48. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  49. def head: Observable[T]

    Only emits the first element emitted by the source observable, after which it's completed immediately.

  50. def headOrElse[B >: T](default: ⇒ B): Observable[B]

    Emits the first element emitted by the source, or otherwise if the source is completed without emitting anything, then the default is emitted.

  51. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  52. def last: Observable[T]

    Only emits the last element emitted by the source observable, after which it's completed immediately.

  53. def lift[U](f: (Observable[T]) ⇒ Observable[U]): Observable[U]

    Given a function that transforms an Observable[T] into an Observable[U], it transforms the source observable into an Observable[U].

  54. def map[U](f: (T) ⇒ U): Observable[U]

    Returns an Observable that applies the given function to each item emitted by an Observable and emits the result.

    Returns an Observable that applies the given function to each item emitted by an Observable and emits the result.


    a function to apply to each item emitted by the Observable


    an Observable that emits the items from the source Observable, transformed by the given function

  55. def materialize: Observable[Notification[T]]

    Converts the source Observable that emits T into an Observable that emits Notification[T].

    Converts the source Observable that emits T into an Observable that emits Notification[T].

    NOTE: onComplete is still emitted after an onNext(OnComplete) notification however an onError(ex) notification is emitted as an onNext(OnError(ex)) followed by an onComplete.

  56. def max[U >: T](implicit ev: Ordering[U]): Observable[U]

    Takes the elements of the source Observable and emits the maximum value, after the source has completed.

  57. def maxBy[U](f: (T) ⇒ U)(implicit ev: Ordering[U]): Observable[T]

    Takes the elements of the source Observable and emits the element that has the maximum key value, where the key is generated by the given function f.

  58. def merge[U](implicit ev: <:<[T, Observable[U]]): Observable[U]

    Merges the sequence of Observables emitted by the source into one Observable, without any transformation.

    Merges the sequence of Observables emitted by the source into one Observable, without any transformation.

    You can combine the items emitted by multiple Observables so that they act like a single Observable by using this method.

    The difference between concat and merge is that concat cares about ordering of emitted items (e.g. all items emitted by the first observable in the sequence will come before the elements emitted by the second observable), whereas merge doesn't care about that (elements get emitted as they come). Because of back-pressure applied to observables, concat is safe to use in all contexts, whereas merge requires buffering.

    This variant of the merge call (no parameters) does apply back-pressured buffering and also applies an upper-bound on the number of observables subscribed, so it is fairly safe to use.


    an Observable that emits items that are the result of flattening the items emitted by the Observables emitted by this

  59. def merge[U](parallelism: Int, bufferPolicy: BufferPolicy)(implicit ev: <:<[T, Observable[U]]): Observable[U]

    Merges the sequence of Observables emitted by the source into one Observable, without any transformation.

    Merges the sequence of Observables emitted by the source into one Observable, without any transformation.

    You can combine the items emitted by multiple Observables so that they act like a single Observable by using this method.

    The difference between concat and merge is that concat cares about ordering of emitted items (e.g. all items emitted by the first observable in the sequence will come before the elements emitted by the second observable), whereas merge doesn't care about that (elements get emitted as they come). Because of back-pressure applied to observables, concat is safe to use in all contexts, whereas merge requires buffering.


    a number indicating the maximum number of observables subscribed in parallel; if negative or zero, then no upper bound is applied


    the policy used for buffering, useful if you want to limit the buffer size and apply back-pressure, trigger and error, etc... see the available buffer policies.


    an Observable that emits items that are the result of flattening the items emitted by the Observables emitted by this

  60. def merge[U](bufferPolicy: BufferPolicy)(implicit ev: <:<[T, Observable[U]]): Observable[U]

    Merges the sequence of Observables emitted by the source into one Observable, without any transformation.

    Merges the sequence of Observables emitted by the source into one Observable, without any transformation.

    You can combine the items emitted by multiple Observables so that they act like a single Observable by using this method.

    The difference between concat and merge is that concat cares about ordering of emitted items (e.g. all items emitted by the first observable in the sequence will come before the elements emitted by the second observable), whereas merge doesn't care about that (elements get emitted as they come). Because of back-pressure applied to observables, concat is safe to use in all contexts, whereas merge requires buffering.


    the policy used for buffering, useful if you want to limit the buffer size and apply back-pressure, trigger and error, etc... see the available buffer policies.


    an Observable that emits items that are the result of flattening the items emitted by the Observables emitted by this

  61. def mergeMap[U](f: (T) ⇒ Observable[U]): Observable[U]

    Creates a new Observable by applying a function that you supply to each item emitted by the source Observable, where that function returns an Observable, and then merging those resulting Observables and emitting the results of this merger.

    Creates a new Observable by applying a function that you supply to each item emitted by the source Observable, where that function returns an Observable, and then merging those resulting Observables and emitting the results of this merger.


    a function that, when applied to an item emitted by the source Observable, returns an Observable


    an Observable that emits the result of applying the transformation function to each item emitted by the source Observable and merging the results of the Observables obtained from this transformation.

  62. def min[U >: T](implicit ev: Ordering[U]): Observable[T]

    Takes the elements of the source Observable and emits the minimum value, after the source has completed.

  63. def minBy[U](f: (T) ⇒ U)(implicit ev: Ordering[U]): Observable[T]

    Takes the elements of the source Observable and emits the element that has the minimum key value, where the key is generated by the given function f.

  64. def multicast[R](subject: Subject[T, R]): ConnectableObservable[R]

    Converts this observable into a multicast observable, useful for turning a cold observable into a hot one (i.

    Converts this observable into a multicast observable, useful for turning a cold observable into a hot one (i.e. whose source is shared by all observers).

  65. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  66. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  67. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  68. def observeOn(s: Scheduler, bufferPolicy: BufferPolicy = BackPressured(1024)): Observable[T]

    Returns a new Observable that uses the specified ExecutionContext for listening to the emitted items.

    Returns a new Observable that uses the specified ExecutionContext for listening to the emitted items.


    the execution context on top of which the generated onNext / onComplete / onError events will run


    specifies the buffering policy used by the created asynchronous boundary

  69. def publish(): ConnectableObservable[T]

    Converts this observable into a multicast observable, useful for turning a cold observable into a hot one (i.

    Converts this observable into a multicast observable, useful for turning a cold observable into a hot one (i.e. whose source is shared by all observers). The underlying subject used is a PublishSubject.

  70. def reduce[U >: T](op: (U, U) ⇒ U): Observable[U]

    Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements of this Observable, going left to right and returns a new Observable that emits only one item before onComplete.

  71. def repeat: Observable[T]

    Repeats the items emitted by this Observable continuously.

    Repeats the items emitted by this Observable continuously. It caches the generated items until onComplete and repeats them ad infinitum. On error it terminates.

  72. def replay(): ConnectableObservable[T]

    Converts this observable into a multicast observable, useful for turning a cold observable into a hot one (i.

    Converts this observable into a multicast observable, useful for turning a cold observable into a hot one (i.e. whose source is shared by all observers). The underlying subject used is a ReplaySubject.

  73. def safe: Observable[T]

    Wraps the observer implementation given to subscribeFn into a SafeObserver.

    Wraps the observer implementation given to subscribeFn into a SafeObserver. Normally wrapping in a SafeObserver happens at the edges of the monad (in the user-facing subscribe() implementation) or in Observable subscribe implementations, so this wrapping is useful.

  74. def scan[R](initial: R)(op: (R, T) ⇒ R): Observable[R]

    Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements of this Observable, going left to right and returns a new Observable that emits on each step the result of the applied function.

    Applies a binary operator to a start value and all elements of this Observable, going left to right and returns a new Observable that emits on each step the result of the applied function.

    Similar to foldLeft, but emits the state on each step. Useful for modeling finite state machines.

  75. def startWith[U >: T](elems: U*): Observable[U]

    Creates a new Observable that emits the given elements and then it also emits the events of the source (prepend operation).

  76. final def subscribe(nextFn: (T) ⇒ Future[Ack]): Unit

    Creates the subscription and starts the stream.

  77. final def subscribe(): Unit

    Creates the subscription and starts the stream.

  78. final def subscribe(nextFn: (T) ⇒ Future[Ack], errorFn: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Creates the subscription and starts the stream.

  79. final def subscribe(nextFn: (T) ⇒ Future[Ack], errorFn: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit, completedFn: () ⇒ Unit): Unit

    Creates the subscription and starts the stream.

  80. final def subscribe(observer: Observer[T]): Unit

    Creates the subscription and that starts the stream.

    Creates the subscription and that starts the stream.


    is an Observer on which onNext, onComplete and onError happens, according to the Monifu Rx contract.

  81. def subscribeOn(s: Scheduler): Observable[T]

    Returns a new Observable that uses the specified ExecutionContext for initiating the subscription.

  82. def sum[U >: T](implicit ev: Numeric[U]): Observable[U]

    Given a source that emits numeric values, the sum operator sums up all values and at onComplete it emits the total.

  83. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  84. def tail: Observable[T]

    Drops the first element of the source observable, emitting the rest.

  85. def take(timespan: FiniteDuration): Observable[T]

    Creates a new Observable that emits the events of the source, only for the specified timestamp, after which it completes.

    Creates a new Observable that emits the events of the source, only for the specified timestamp, after which it completes.


    the window of time during which the new Observable is allowed to emit the events of the source

  86. def take(n: Int): Observable[T]

    Selects the first n elements (from the start).

    Selects the first n elements (from the start).


    the number of elements to take


    a new Observable that emits only the first n elements from the source

  87. def takeRight(n: Int): Observable[T]

    Creates a new Observable that only emits the last n elements emitted by the source.

  88. def takeWhile(isRefTrue: Atomic[Boolean]): Observable[T]

    Takes longest prefix of elements that satisfy the given predicate and returns a new Observable that emits those elements.

  89. def takeWhile(p: (T) ⇒ Boolean): Observable[T]

    Takes longest prefix of elements that satisfy the given predicate and returns a new Observable that emits those elements.

  90. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  91. def unsafeMerge[U](implicit ev: <:<[T, Observable[U]]): Observable[U]

    Merges the sequence of Observables emitted by the source into one Observable, without any transformation.

    Merges the sequence of Observables emitted by the source into one Observable, without any transformation.

    You can combine the items emitted by multiple Observables so that they act like a single Observable by using this method.

    The difference between concat and merge is that concat cares about ordering of emitted items (e.g. all items emitted by the first observable in the sequence will come before the elements emitted by the second observable), whereas merge doesn't care about that (elements get emitted as they come). Because of back-pressure applied to observables, concat is safe to use in all contexts, whereas merge requires buffering.

    This unsafe variant of the merge call applies absolutely no back-pressure or upper bounds on subscribed observables, so it is unsafe to use. Only use it when you know what you're doing.


    an Observable that emits items that are the result of flattening the items emitted by the Observables emitted by this

  92. final def unsafeSubscribe(observer: Observer[T]): Unit

    Creates the subscription and that starts the stream.

    Creates the subscription and that starts the stream.

    This function is "unsafe" to call because it does not wrap the given observer implementation in a SafeObserver, like the other subscribe functions are doing.


    is an Observer that respects Monifu Rx contract.

  93. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  94. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  95. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  96. def zip[U](other: Observable[U]): Observable[(T, U)]

    Creates a new Observable from this Observable and another given Observable, by emitting elements combined in pairs.

    Creates a new Observable from this Observable and another given Observable, by emitting elements combined in pairs. If one of the Observable emits fewer events than the other, then the rest of the unpaired events are ignored.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
