Package com.ibatis.common.beans

package com.ibatis.common.beans
  • Class
    Abstract class used to help development of Probe implementations.
    This class represents a cached set of class definition information that allows for easy mapping between property names and getter/setter methods.
    StaticBeanProbe provides methods that allow simple, reflective access to JavaBeans style properties.
    A Probe implementation for working with DOM objects.
    StaticBeanProbe provides methods that allow simple, reflective access to JavaBeans style properties.
    The Class GetFieldInvoker.
    The Interface Invoker.
    The Class MethodInvoker.
    A Probe is an object that is used to work with beans, DOM objects, or other objects.
    BeansException for use for by BeanProbe and StaticBeanProbe.
    An abstract factory for getting Probe implementations.
    The Class SetFieldInvoker.