Class ResultMapConfig


public class ResultMapConfig extends Object
The Class ResultMapConfig.
  • Method Details

    • setDiscriminator

      public void setDiscriminator(String columnName, Integer columnIndex, Class javaClass, String jdbcType, String nullValue, Object typeHandlerImpl)
      Sets the discriminator.
      columnName - the column name
      columnIndex - the column index
      javaClass - the java class
      jdbcType - the jdbc type
      nullValue - the null value
      typeHandlerImpl - the type handler impl
    • addDiscriminatorSubMap

      public void addDiscriminatorSubMap(Object value, String resultMap)
      Adds the discriminator sub map.
      value - the value
      resultMap - the result map
    • addResultMapping

      public void addResultMapping(String propertyName, String columnName, Integer columnIndex, Class javaClass, String jdbcType, String nullValue, String notNullColumn, String statementName, String resultMapName, Object impl)
      Adds the result mapping.
      propertyName - the property name
      columnName - the column name
      columnIndex - the column index
      javaClass - the java class
      jdbcType - the jdbc type
      nullValue - the null value
      notNullColumn - the not null column
      statementName - the statement name
      resultMapName - the result map name
      impl - the impl