Package onnx

Interface OnnxOperators.OperatorSetProtoOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • getMagic

        String getMagic()
         All OperatorSetProtos start with a distingushed byte sequence to disambiguate
         protobuf files containing OperatorSets from other content.
         This field MUST be "ONNXOPSET"
         This field MUST be present in this version of the IR
        string magic = 1;
        The magic.
      • getMagicBytes

        org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.ByteString getMagicBytes()
         All OperatorSetProtos start with a distingushed byte sequence to disambiguate
         protobuf files containing OperatorSets from other content.
         This field MUST be "ONNXOPSET"
         This field MUST be present in this version of the IR
        string magic = 1;
        The bytes for magic.
      • getIrVersion

        long getIrVersion()
         All OperatorSetProtos indicate the version of the IR syntax and semantics
         they adhere to. It is always IR_VERSION.
         This field MUST be present in this version of the IR
        int64 ir_version = 2;
        The irVersion.
      • getIrVersionPrerelease

        String getIrVersionPrerelease()
         The prerelease component of the SemVer of the IR.
         This field MAY be absent in this version of the IR
        string ir_version_prerelease = 3;
        The irVersionPrerelease.
      • getIrVersionPrereleaseBytes

        org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.ByteString getIrVersionPrereleaseBytes()
         The prerelease component of the SemVer of the IR.
         This field MAY be absent in this version of the IR
        string ir_version_prerelease = 3;
        The bytes for irVersionPrerelease.
      • getIrBuildMetadata

        String getIrBuildMetadata()
         The build metadata component of the SemVer of the IR.
         This field MAY be absent in this version of the IR
        string ir_build_metadata = 7;
        The irBuildMetadata.
      • getIrBuildMetadataBytes

        org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.ByteString getIrBuildMetadataBytes()
         The build metadata component of the SemVer of the IR.
         This field MAY be absent in this version of the IR
        string ir_build_metadata = 7;
        The bytes for irBuildMetadata.
      • getDomain

        String getDomain()
         Domain name of the operator set, in reverse DNS form (e.g., com.acme.dnnops).
        string domain = 4;
        The domain.
      • getDomainBytes

        org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.ByteString getDomainBytes()
         Domain name of the operator set, in reverse DNS form (e.g., com.acme.dnnops).
        string domain = 4;
        The bytes for domain.
      • getOpsetVersion

        long getOpsetVersion()
         The version of the set of operators. This is a simple int value
         that is monotonically increasing as new versions of the operator set
         are published. All operators in this set MUST have since_version
         <= opset_version.
        int64 opset_version = 5;
        The opsetVersion.
      • getDocString

        String getDocString()
         A human-readable documentation for this set of operators. Markdown is allowed.
        string doc_string = 6;
        The docString.
      • getDocStringBytes

        org.nd4j.shade.protobuf.ByteString getDocStringBytes()
         A human-readable documentation for this set of operators. Markdown is allowed.
        string doc_string = 6;
        The bytes for docString.
      • getOperatorList

        List<OnnxOperators.OperatorProto> getOperatorList()
         The operators specified by this operator set.
         The (name, version) MUST be unique across all OperatorProtos in operator
        repeated .onnx.OperatorProto operator = 8;
      • getOperator

        OnnxOperators.OperatorProto getOperator​(int index)
         The operators specified by this operator set.
         The (name, version) MUST be unique across all OperatorProtos in operator
        repeated .onnx.OperatorProto operator = 8;
      • getOperatorCount

        int getOperatorCount()
         The operators specified by this operator set.
         The (name, version) MUST be unique across all OperatorProtos in operator
        repeated .onnx.OperatorProto operator = 8;
      • getOperatorOrBuilderList

        List<? extends OnnxOperators.OperatorProtoOrBuilder> getOperatorOrBuilderList()
         The operators specified by this operator set.
         The (name, version) MUST be unique across all OperatorProtos in operator
        repeated .onnx.OperatorProto operator = 8;
      • getOperatorOrBuilder

        OnnxOperators.OperatorProtoOrBuilder getOperatorOrBuilder​(int index)
         The operators specified by this operator set.
         The (name, version) MUST be unique across all OperatorProtos in operator
        repeated .onnx.OperatorProto operator = 8;
      • getFunctionsList

        List<Onnx.FunctionProto> getFunctionsList()
         The functions specified by this operator set.
         The (name, version) MUST be unique across all OperatorProtos/FunctionProtos in operator/functions
        repeated .onnx.FunctionProto functions = 9;
      • getFunctions

        Onnx.FunctionProto getFunctions​(int index)
         The functions specified by this operator set.
         The (name, version) MUST be unique across all OperatorProtos/FunctionProtos in operator/functions
        repeated .onnx.FunctionProto functions = 9;
      • getFunctionsCount

        int getFunctionsCount()
         The functions specified by this operator set.
         The (name, version) MUST be unique across all OperatorProtos/FunctionProtos in operator/functions
        repeated .onnx.FunctionProto functions = 9;
      • getFunctionsOrBuilderList

        List<? extends Onnx.FunctionProtoOrBuilder> getFunctionsOrBuilderList()
         The functions specified by this operator set.
         The (name, version) MUST be unique across all OperatorProtos/FunctionProtos in operator/functions
        repeated .onnx.FunctionProto functions = 9;
      • getFunctionsOrBuilder

        Onnx.FunctionProtoOrBuilder getFunctionsOrBuilder​(int index)
         The functions specified by this operator set.
         The (name, version) MUST be unique across all OperatorProtos/FunctionProtos in operator/functions
        repeated .onnx.FunctionProto functions = 9;