Interface SessionMemMgr

    • Method Detail

      • allocate

        INDArray allocate​(boolean detached,
                          DataType dataType,
                          long... shape)
        Allocate an array with the specified datatype and shape.
        NOTE: This array should be assumed to be uninitialized - i.e., contains random values.
        detached - If true: the array is safe to return outside of the SameDiff session run (for example, the array is one that may be returned to the user)
        dataType - Datatype of the returned array
        shape - Array shape
        The newly allocated (uninitialized) array
      • ulike

        INDArray ulike​(INDArray arr)
        Allocate an uninitialized array with the same datatype and shape as the specified array
      • dup

        INDArray dup​(INDArray arr)
        Duplicate the specified array, to an array that is managed/allocated by the session memory manager
      • release

        void release​(INDArray array)
        Release the array. All arrays allocated via one of the allocate methods should be returned here once they are no longer used, and all references to them should be cleared. After calling release, anything could occur to the array - deallocated, workspace closed, reused, etc.
        array - The array that can be released
      • close

        void close()
        Close the session memory manager and clean up any memory / resources, if any
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable