Class LSTMLayerOutputs

  • public class LSTMLayerOutputs
    extends Object
    The outputs of a LSTM layer (LSTMLayer.
    • Method Detail

      • getOutput

        public SDVariable getOutput()
        Get h, the output of the cell for all time steps.

        Shape depends on data format defined in LSTMLayerConfig:
        for unidirectional: TNS: shape [timeLength, numExamples, inOutSize] - sometimes referred to as "time major"
        NST: shape [numExamples, inOutSize, timeLength]
        NTS: shape [numExamples, timeLength, inOutSize]
        for bidirectional: T2NS: 3 = [timeLength, 2, numExamples, inOutSize] (for ONNX)

      • getLastOutput

        public SDVariable getLastOutput()