Class BaseReductionBp

    • Field Detail

      • keepDims

        protected boolean keepDims
      • dimensions

        protected int[] dimensions
    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseReductionBp

        public BaseReductionBp​(SameDiff sameDiff,
                               SDVariable origInput,
                               SDVariable gradAtOutput,
                               boolean keepDims,
                               int... dimensions)
        origInput - Pre-reduced input
        gradAtOutput - Gradient at the output
        keepDims - If true: reduction dimensions were kept
        dimensions - Dimensions to reduce. May be null
      • BaseReductionBp

        public BaseReductionBp​(SameDiff sameDiff,
                               SDVariable origInput1,
                               SDVariable origInput2,
                               SDVariable gradAtOutput,
                               boolean keepDims,
                               int... dimensions)
        origInput1 - Pre-reduced input 1
        origInput2 - Pre-reduced input 2
        gradAtOutput - Gradient at the output
        keepDims - If true: reduction dimensions were kept
        dimensions - Dimensions to reduce. May be null
      • BaseReductionBp

        public BaseReductionBp​(INDArray origInput,
                               INDArray gradAtOutput,
                               INDArray output,
                               boolean keepDims,
                               int... dimensions)
        origInput - Pre-reduced input
        gradAtOutput - Gradient at the output
        output - Output array - i.e., gradient at the input to the reduction function
        keepDims - If true: reduction dimensions were kept
        dimensions - Dimensions to reduce. May be null
      • BaseReductionBp

        public BaseReductionBp​(INDArray origInput1,
                               INDArray origInput2,
                               INDArray gradAtOutput,
                               INDArray output,
                               boolean keepDims,
                               int... dimensions)
        origInput1 - Pre-reduced input1
        origInput2 - Pre-reduced input2
        gradAtOutput - Gradient at the output
        output - Output array - i.e., gradient at the input to the reduction function
        keepDims - If true: reduction dimensions were kept
        dimensions - Dimensions to reduce. May be null