Class BaseDynamicTransformOp

    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseDynamicTransformOp

        public BaseDynamicTransformOp()
      • BaseDynamicTransformOp

        public BaseDynamicTransformOp​(SameDiff sameDiff,
                                      SDVariable[] args,
                                      boolean inPlace)
      • BaseDynamicTransformOp

        public BaseDynamicTransformOp​(INDArray[] inputs,
                                      INDArray[] outputs)
    • Method Detail

      • calculateOutputDataTypes

        public List<DataType> calculateOutputDataTypes​(List<DataType> dataTypes)
        Description copied from class: DifferentialFunction
        Calculate the data types for the output arrays. Though datatypes can also be inferred from DifferentialFunction.calculateOutputShape(), this method differs in that it does not require the input arrays to be populated. This is important as it allows us to do greedy datatype inference for the entire net - even if arrays are not available.
        calculateOutputDataTypes in class DifferentialFunction
        dataTypes - The data types of the inputs
        The data types of the outputs